SETI stats moved!


Dec 31, 2007
Thanks to Hammy we have a new webserver for the stats page!

the www doesn't matter on either of them, but the case matters on the direct link

Now I can finally move my family webpage back from the slow banner server to where the old stats page was 😉

<font color=green>"You talk like a drunk man walks: in every direction but where he is headed"</font color=green>
Thx Necro your doing a great job!!!


<b><A HREF="" target="_new">How fast is your PC</A></b>
thx glutzie!

A note to everybody, I got rid of that pesky banner when you use [url[/url]

<font color=green>"You talk like a drunk man walks: in every direction but where he is headed"</font color=green>
having trouble uploading the updated files

<font color=green>"You talk like a drunk man walks: in every direction but where he is headed"</font color=green>
For Some reason I cant get on the stats? is this temporary or is it moving or? oh well :) Whoever is doing them I like them hehe
