D dman3k Distinguished Apr 28, 2009 385 0 18,930 Oct 22, 2010 #21 Where did Jane get $13 million to buy a website?
X Xatos Distinguished Feb 24, 2010 45 0 18,580 Oct 22, 2010 #22 FINALLY? Oh yeah, we've allll been wondering what's up with the delay on this haven't we? Garbage articles. What's up Tom's?
FINALLY? Oh yeah, we've allll been wondering what's up with the delay on this haven't we? Garbage articles. What's up Tom's?
eddieroolz Distinguished Moderator Sep 6, 2008 3,485 0 20,730 Oct 23, 2010 #23 I'm just really surprised that no one wanted to buy Sex.com. You'd think all the porn sites would flock to it, because after all, it is one of the first sites you look for when you're a kid.
I'm just really surprised that no one wanted to buy Sex.com. You'd think all the porn sites would flock to it, because after all, it is one of the first sites you look for when you're a kid.
T theranish Distinguished Oct 23, 2010 8 0 18,510 Oct 23, 2010 #24 Wouldn't this be considered internet prostitution?? I mean isn't it illegal to sell sex for money??
J JohnMD1022 Distinguished Jun 1, 2006 29 0 18,580 Oct 24, 2010 #25 PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals