Should i buy Lenovo?

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Jun 8, 2014
Hey all, i was in walmart the othe day and they have this laptop on sale for $200!!

Now, i checked it and it is on Lenovos list of "effected" computers with the rootkit bios whatever you want to call it. Now ive read that they have a tool to remove it, should II get it? Has anyone had one of these computers and successfully removed the rootkit? I mean, it looks like a nice laptop for $200! Thoughts?
I own one, I would recommend it for $300 let alone $200. There is no superfish on this model. It does get a performance benefit from adding faster memory, and at $200 you could add that and an SSD and still be at $300 which is unheard of. Just make sure to update the drivers and BIOS to Windows 10 versions from Lenovo's website, and you will be very happy!
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