Single Receiver to 2 separate TVs

Jul 24, 2018
Hi. Looking for some advice as I am relatively new to this.

I currently have an Onkyo 707 setup (with HDMI inputs for cable and apple TV) feeding audio to a external 5.1 setup and video through the HDMI out to a Samsung Smart TV.

I wanted to add another TV display (containing a mirror of the primary TV image) to an adjacent area. Since it is further away from the 5.1 setup, I was looking to pass audio through the TV internal speakers.

Adding an HDMI splitter to the main output on the Onkyo 707 displays the image on both TVs, but the receiver is stripping out the audio.

Is there a way to keep the primary TV audio linked to the 5.1 external setup, while allowing the secondary TV to pass through audio via its internal speakers?

The receiver may not be sending audio out of its' HDMI output. They assume that you are using the receiver for that not TV speakers.
If you can't find a menu setting that will allow you to do so then you can't use the receiver as your HDMI selector.
If you only want to view the cable box on the remote TV then use the HDMI distribution amp between the cable box and the Onkyo and remote TV. You may have a problem getting surround sound this way though.
You could get a 2inx2out HDMI selector with 5.1 for the main output. The Cable box and Apple TV would connect to the inputs. The receiver and remote TV would connect to the outputs. This is probably better anyway since you won't need to leave the receiver on and set correctly when you want...
Jul 24, 2018
Thanks for the quick reply

I am currently using this model splitter -

I have the cable box and Apple TV inputs going into the Onkyo receiver

Then I have a single HDMI running from the Onkyo output to the HDMI splitter --- feeding to each TV. I think this is what is preventing the secondary TV from getting any audio as its being stripped at the receiver level

I may be mistake, I'm relatively new to these setups.
The receiver may not be sending audio out of its' HDMI output. They assume that you are using the receiver for that not TV speakers.
If you can't find a menu setting that will allow you to do so then you can't use the receiver as your HDMI selector.
If you only want to view the cable box on the remote TV then use the HDMI distribution amp between the cable box and the Onkyo and remote TV. You may have a problem getting surround sound this way though.
You could get a 2inx2out HDMI selector with 5.1 for the main output. The Cable box and Apple TV would connect to the inputs. The receiver and remote TV would connect to the outputs. This is probably better anyway since you won't need to leave the receiver on and set correctly when you want to use only the remote TV.