Slot Radio

I know this is a little old but.....

I don't "own" one but work at a radioshack and we decided to "display" one.
They arent bad, its exactly what they are advertising, a very simple MP3 player.

The one downside IMHO is that you cannot choose what song you play, and you cannot go back; only forward. You use the large buttons on the front to change playlists and there is a smaller button on the side that allows you to skip forward. The switch on the top has on, off, and fm radio. You can also use your own micro sd cards, just keep in mind that they will playback in the same order that they are on the card. The 1000 songs are grouped into 6 playlists.

It comes with a top hits card that has the playlists broken into Rock, Country, RnB, Contemporary, Workout, and Chillout. It has a Home/usb adapter, usb cable, and earbuds.

I think its a great deal for the technically challenged because you dont need a computer, its just pop it in and go; or for working out (it has a built in clip that feels pretty solid). Essentially think of it as XM radio without the subscription.

hope this helps

on a side note if you havent purchased one and are planning to, Radioshack will be giving an additional music card of your choice with purchase of the player next month.
Around Father's Day 2009, I took advantage of Radio Shack's BOGO offer and bought one for my husband. It was really too small for his hands to use the buttons properly, plus he wasn't that wild about the song selections, so I took
it over and I LOVE IT! I also have two other MP3 players, one of them is a
Microsoft Zune, but I like this slot radio for what it is. That is, preloaded with
tons of songs. No hassle, but not as much flexibility as my other MP3s which
I have loaded with songs myself. It is very important to be able to use the
buttons properly, if you want to fast forward to the next song if you don't like
the one automatically programmed into it. I hope they take off and they stay
around as I would like to buy more songs for mine. I highly recommend it
for what it is.
personally, slotradio is a great addition to my audio line up. in fact i've got a whole basket-full of mp3 players from generations of ipods to a philips satellite player to a zune. tried 'em all. but one difference between the players that were cool but just don't get much playback and slotradio is that i actually take it with me most of the time. i won't go as far as saying it's my primary player, but it's what i grab for the gym, whenever i take public trans or whenever i know that i won't be near an iphone charger for an extended period of time. bought the hiphop and daily mix cards; both have workout playlists --- have yet to get through an entire card!
I just bought my slot radio to replace my other SanDisk mp3 player. I really like it! So easy to use. I plan on putting my own music stored on my computer onto a blank micro sd card as well as purchasing other cards with music I like. A little hard to keep the ear buds in my ears while running, so might replace those with another kind of earphone. I also bought the armband which is great for running and the gym.