I have been conversing with Kenton82 on this subject, but now for some reason cannot reply to his last post. Does anyone know why? How do I reach him now? I have answers for him.
I can't find any thread where Kenton82 was the OP that has been closed, so perhaps you're in another thread that's been closed for going off-topic (or necro'ing an old post?)
MERGED QUESTION Question from Clorey : "audio questions closed"
Clorey :
I was having an open discussion with someone about my problem and I am trying to answer his questions, but I cannot. It looks like someone closed my query. Does anyone know why this would happen? I need some answers for my question.
Looks like the thread was closed because you kept responding to the thread without adding any new additional information, but just quoting the other responder's comments; essentially bumping the thread which we do not allow here on Tom's Hardware/Guide.
MERGED QUESTION Question from Clorey : "smart tv box to receiver"
Clorey :
How do I hook up a new smart tv box to a receiver to get surround sound. The system we have for our phone, tv and internet is wireless and works with a modem.
it will depend on what kind of connections the box has. if this is a cable box then not all programming will have surround sound. also make sure the box is capable of surround sound
the smart tv box is an android 6.0.1 Marshmallow and the wireless Bell.ca box VIP2502. On the back of this box it has the following: Network Y Pb Pr Video Out Audio Out L R Optical HDMI
Power 12V DC The make of this box is Arris. Does this help at all? Thanks so much
You trying to get another thread shutdown? If you bump(blank reply) again not only will I close the thread you will be taking a leave of absence from the forum.
I forgot to ask if you need the receiver information. We bought a Sony home theatre system. TV, BD, Receiver and surround sound speakers. We watch videos and get surround sound. With the new tv box,we can see a movie, but there is no sound. We have tried so many different hook ups and nothing works.