I did programming work in places like Cambodia on a small notebook and getting Internet from a GSP/GPRS bluetooth cell phone. If I can live anyplace, why not live in Cambodia or Indonesia? I would have loved one of these for those long bus rides in the mountains.
I was waiting for one of these to come alone for a long time as well.
This means I can have real computing power and do real work (with at least limited productivity) anytime anyplace.
It costs a lot, but also does a lot more than a $900 UMPC with a touch-screen keyboard. AV-out is killer.
I do development work, so the Win XP Pro actually works better for me than the XP Tablet.
The GMA 950 is minimal, but still a whole lot better than the extreme graphics I've seen before on these other "handtops"
I'm not writing a review here, but I do want to say this thing has everything on my wish-list which is a few year old already.
Built in GPS and a minimal 4 band cell phone will be icing on the cake..
Will these ever come to the States or do I need to go to Taipei like I usually do?