Rafael Mestdag :
I used to use one which could constantly control and maintain a certain usage of the pc resources, I forgot its name now. It was one with a greenish interface. If you guys know what program I'm talking about please remind me.
If not, please any other suggestions will be welcome.
Thx in advance!
Gonna need more details on this.
It's a software with wich you can for example, if you have any open software, like for instance, a video editing software, with this managing software you can pick this editing software and choose how much of your HDD you're gonna use on it, how much RAM, how many cpu cores, etc. And then, everytime you open up this video editing software, the managing software is going to take control over it and use as many resources on it as you stipulated. And if you for some reason want to change the usage of any of the resources on this editing program, you can and it'll stick until you decide to change it again.
This resource managing/controlling software is run with Windows so it keeps controlling the other open software and processes resources usage all the time.