Software to measure power consumption.


Jul 8, 2010
I'm not sure if this might be stickied somewhere I haven't looked yet, if it is, sorry. I'm looking for software to measure the total power consumption of my system. I'm wary of just googling (is this even a word? 😛 ) and downloading some random program.

Do you know some good recommended programs? Safe, accurate, reliable?

Or better, a link to one in the sticky thread?

Thanks for your time and answers.
You can get an external peice of hardware that will report what is drawn by your devices, not just the PC.

Those prices are a little bit high, but you can at least get an idea of what's out there and then search on your own. May be a good thing to have so you can also check your fridge, A/C unit, washer/dryer, etc... The PC uses a lot less power than those big boys.
I just want to get a general idea oh how my much my system consumes. I recently bought a bronze certified power supply to replace my stock one, and wish to see the before and after of my system to get a idea of how much the power efficiency is helping. I don't want to buy a $40-80 dollar piece of hardware just for that.