Some ?s on my current setup...might be long....



Archived from groups: (More info?)

First thanks to all who have helped so far, esp DrLev.:) Around 5
years ago I took my 7.5 down and stored away until about a month ago.
When I used it before I was getting crystal clear reception without
sparklies on 95% of analog c band chs(didn't have digital receiver
then). Now I'm getting good reception but with the white sparklies and
severe noise in the red and blue on anolog. My dish is now sitting
between 2 metal (aluminum) buildings, one bld is 7 foot in front of
dish the other 7' behind dish. Both sheds are around 20' long and 10'
high. My polar mount is about 5' tall from ground. Sighting from the
feed I'm getting a clear shot of the sky from that angle. My lnb is an
eagle aspen 17. My lnb cable coming to the 920 is rg6 25'. My
polarotar is on tripod type bars and now I'm wondering if that got off
somehow. What is the best way to check that the feed is hitting center
of dish? I moved the dish on it's zenith and aligned the servo with
the polar axis at 11 o'clock. Should chs tune in at the zero point? I
usually have to skew -50 or +60 to finetune a ch. I don't get any
reception at the zero point on any ch of any sat. As far as my dig chs
go I can lock into the ones from c1 to g0 except on c3 I can lock to
the hor chs with about 45 quality but on vert I'm getting 7 or 8 and
it's locking but choppy and pixalated. But any of the sats east of g0
I've never got a quality rating above zero even though the hor and ver
chs are tuned in correctly but with sparklies.
Given all this anyone have any ideas where to try to fix this? Someone
made me a polar ext about 5 years ago. So I can get my dish up about
another 2' if anyone thinks that could make a diff. Thanks
Archived from groups: (More info?)

You can take a tape measure and measure from the edge of the dish to the
feed horn edge. Do this at three points around the dish. All the
measurments should be the same. If not you will need to do some adjustments
with the tripod mount. Also is the focal point of the feed accurate. You
can adjust that in or our a bit to fine tune that. Amazing what being off
an half inch or so will do to the signal. Also is it tracking accurately.
Raise or lower the dish on each satellite to see if you are off a bit.
Search for a site to help set up your dish. One such site is There are others. Good luck.

Alan in Boise
"Standorfall" <> wrote in message
> First thanks to all who have helped so far, esp DrLev.:) Around 5
> years ago I took my 7.5 down and stored away until about a month ago.
> When I used it before I was getting crystal clear reception without
> sparklies on 95% of analog c band chs(didn't have digital receiver
> then). Now I'm getting good reception but with the white sparklies and
> severe noise in the red and blue on anolog. My dish is now sitting
> between 2 metal (aluminum) buildings, one bld is 7 foot in front of
> dish the other 7' behind dish. Both sheds are around 20' long and 10'
> high. My polar mount is about 5' tall from ground. Sighting from the
> feed I'm getting a clear shot of the sky from that angle. My lnb is an
> eagle aspen 17. My lnb cable coming to the 920 is rg6 25'. My
> polarotar is on tripod type bars and now I'm wondering if that got off
> somehow. What is the best way to check that the feed is hitting center
> of dish? I moved the dish on it's zenith and aligned the servo with
> the polar axis at 11 o'clock. Should chs tune in at the zero point? I
> usually have to skew -50 or +60 to finetune a ch. I don't get any
> reception at the zero point on any ch of any sat. As far as my dig chs
> go I can lock into the ones from c1 to g0 except on c3 I can lock to
> the hor chs with about 45 quality but on vert I'm getting 7 or 8 and
> it's locking but choppy and pixalated. But any of the sats east of g0
> I've never got a quality rating above zero even though the hor and ver
> chs are tuned in correctly but with sparklies.
> Given all this anyone have any ideas where to try to fix this? Someone
> made me a polar ext about 5 years ago. So I can get my dish up about
> another 2' if anyone thinks that could make a diff. Thanks