Somthing is Wrong With my Front Audio Jack


Mar 8, 2015
Okay so after looking and looking for an answer and not being able to find one. I think its about time I ask the question myself. So. Around a year ago I got surprised when one day while listening to music I could only hear the instrumental of the song and when the artist sang it would sound quiet and muffled. I spent around two days looking for an answer and then I finally found one. All I had to do was go to sounds in the control panel and lower the left or right channel of my headphones. I was like "YES FINAAAALLLLLYYY" But the sound that was supposed to come out of the left or right side came out of both sides.(Ex: Left channel audio came out of both sides of the headphones.) But none the less it seemed to have fixed the problem. Now that I am gaming more, it is really important for me to know where the enemy is coming from. As of now I can only hear how close the enemy is to me by listening to how loud the footsteps are. I could not find an answer to how to fix this after 3 hours of searching. I started to try to figure it out myself. I noticed that the audio jack at the back of my PC worked like its supposed to. I could hear from both channels at the same time and the singing was fine and how its supposed to be. I Could use the back jack if I was desperate but I would have to sit really close to my desk because the jack is all the way in the back. I really don't want to have to turn my PC all the way around and have all the ugly cables and wires at the front. I'm not sure if the front jack is broken or not but i'm hoping its not. Is there a solution to this that does not require me having go to RadioShack and buying something? Hope you can help me. Thanks! (Sorry for such a long question. I though it would be useful to know what happened before this)


Mar 8, 2015

I looked through all the settings and couldn't find it. I have a gigabyte motherboard. The model is GA-78LMT-S2.