Sony PS Vita Can Be Used as PS3 Controller

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Sep 20, 2007
A interesting feature but I do question the value of it. Would you rather play on your much larger TV with a controller more friendly to your hands or play it on the Vita while having to maintain close distance to the console and TV anyway?


@asdf634, what are you talking about? The origional psp could do this. More like the Wii U ripped of from sony


[citation][nom]asdf634[/nom]Blatant rip off off the Wii U controller idea? Check![/citation]

Exactly my thought. They saw the Wii U controller has a screen so Sony put a software update to make the Vita a PS3 controller. Next is for a Windows phone to be an Xbox controller :p


Apr 1, 2009
[citation][nom]asdf634[/nom]Blatant rip off off the Wii U controller idea? Check![/citation]

Meh, who cares whose idea it was. This way we have extra uses for all those gadgets laying around to interact with one another if we so choose. I'm all for it, including brickman's idea for Windows phones.


its not a rip on wii u as one of Konami showed this feature in their pre e3 event. so this was annonced b4 the wii u


May 14, 2010
[citation][nom]burnley14[/nom]Meh, who cares whose idea it was. This way we have extra uses for all those gadgets laying around to interact with one another if we so choose. I'm all for it, including brickman's idea for Windows phones.[/citation]

It's the principle that it seems the only thing Sony can do anymore is follow in others footsteps. Nintendo announces the Wii U and Sony goes "oh me too" right after. Where's the original ideas?

[citation][nom]by3[/nom]its not a rip on wii u as one of Konami showed this feature in their pre e3 event. so this was annonced b4 the wii u[/citation]

It isn't as if Nintendo just thought up the Wii U in the back room at E3, they had this in the works for awhile before that announcement. It's a good idea for any system that can support it, but I think some people are missing that Nintendo has slightly supported linking between their consoles/handhelds for years. The GameCube and GBA were linkable, it just wasn't optimized often.

[citation][nom]randomhero1[/nom]loving all the nintendo fangirls here.This is the only portable gaming system that i will buy on day 1.[/citation]

Sup Chad Warden.


Sep 20, 2007
[citation][nom]randomhero1[/nom]loving all the nintendo fangirls here.This is the only portable gaming system that i will buy on day 1.[/citation]

Something I love about the M$ and Sony fan-boys is they always without fail mock Nintendo's
ideas. As a example the Wii for having motion controls oh how they insulted it.
Then both M$ and Sony make their own version of motion controls which gets praised by the fan-boys. Or how about the whining about the DS (done by fan-boys that of course wouldn't buy one anyways) about having the touch screen and games that require it. And look Vita has a touch screen, but your going to run out and buy it day one.

Don't mistake me for a Nintendo fan-boy either. I think the 3DS is a massive fail and I would never buy a Wii. But fan-boys no matter the side are just a bunch of hypocrites who lack logic and will insult anything that doesn't have one brand name and praise anything that comes out that does.

Companies copy the success of others its a fact of life. This is why we have more than one automobile company, more than one ISP, and more than one gaming platform. If you cannot accept that than reality is not for you.

Now in this case I do not believe Sony copied the idea of the Wii U. The Wii U's announcement and released details came to late for it to be the case. The Vita was no doubt already almost if not completely fully decided on its specs and features by then as well.
These things take R&D time there is no way they threw this in right after seeing the Wii U.
However this does not mean they didn't copy Nintendo's idea of hooking a portable to a
console. As was possible with the GBA and Gamecube.


Mar 3, 2009
[citation][nom]asdf634[/nom]Blatant rip off off the Wii U controller idea? Check![/citation]
Orly? Even PSP could do it. Wasn't that before Nintendo?


Sep 20, 2007
[citation][nom]ny_slacker[/nom]i believe the sega dreamcast did it first[/citation]

Close but that the VMU was actually a memory card ans dream-cast accessory not a stand alone gaming platform itself really. If we were to count it despite this fact then we would have to look farther back to the Gameboy and N64 due to Poke'mon stadium.

No matter what ones opinion is to Nintendo they would be nothing but a liar to deny that fact that they have been innovators to console gaming. Even back in the 80's they dabbled with motion controls (Power glove) and even had a headset for voice commands. Sure they were primitive and worked poorly at best but it took all the way to this current generation of consoles to even try to repeat what was done 30 years ago.
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