Solved! Sony STRDH550 to 301 Bose Shelf Speakers


Jan 3, 2017
Hello, I need to know if it is safe to connect my Sony STR-DH550 5.2-Channel AV Receiver to a pair of Bose 301 shelf speakers. Time ago I use to have a very regular setup.
In the back of the receiver, I see the speakers connectors, for 1) surround 2) center and 3) Front...
I only have two Shelf speakers. Can I Connect all Positives with the same wire to each speaker? (left & rigth)?
Of course its safe to connect them , they're 130w max RMS speakers with variable 4-8ohm impedance.
On a spec level they're 100% compatible with the Sony.

I don't understand the second part of your question ??

You should just have 2 stretches of twin core speaker wire.

Front left red & black to red black on left speaker , front right red black to red black on right speaker.

You won't be using centre or surround outputs on the Sony at all.

Now I understand I did connect as requested. For some reason, if I play a dvd/blueray disk or some TV program, what I hear is a backgroung sound, not thte dialogs or main sound, just the background echoe type of sound.
I was assuming that I had to buy and connect more speakers, for centre or surround.

As I don't plan to acquire more speakers, and use only my two shelf speakers (bose rignt & left) I wanted to wire the Sony's outputs of Centre And Surround to the Bose speakers... positive and negative, tree wires and tie their end to the speaker...
The remaining question is :
Could that work to wrap up all sound from the sources?

Thanks for your reply