G golgiapparatus Estimable Apr 22, 2015 1 0 4,510 Apr 22, 2015 #1 How can i plug this into my desktop to get files from it? patelb14 said he did that, do you need a special reader to do this?
How can i plug this into my desktop to get files from it? patelb14 said he did that, do you need a special reader to do this?
Im Spartacus Estimable Mar 25, 2015 339 0 5,210 Apr 22, 2015 #2 You could try this option pop drive into unit then plug into USB socket on desktop. http/www.maplin.co.uk/p/2535-inch-sata-usb-dock-a83hq Upvote 0 Downvote
You could try this option pop drive into unit then plug into USB socket on desktop. http/www.maplin.co.uk/p/2535-inch-sata-usb-dock-a83hq