Sony vaio shutdown in games


Jan 11, 2014
Hi all,

I've had a Sony Vaio VPCF12Z1E for about 3 years and have loved it eversince, but in the past year it's had a few issues. First there were overheating problems, but a replacement fan and a good cleaning did the job just fine.

Now, however, I'm at a loss here. Whenever I play a game, any fullscreen game, sooner or later (this means about an hour in Neverwinter and 10 minutes maximum in Hearthstone) the screen would go black and the machine would just shut down.

I've tried reverting back to older graphics drivers, even the factory presetes, none of which worked. The same issue persists on WIn7, Win8, and Win8.1 x64.

Thanks for your help in advance!
I have the exact same problem, mate!

VPCF13Z1E here, so a gen younger than yours, but yay!

I hadn't replaced the fan, I just optimized the cooling system, got CoolerMaster Notepal U3 Plus pad and it's around 60C all the time, even playing.

Yet 5-20 minutes in Hearthstone/Diablo it shuts down.
I did not try original Vaio vcard drivers, but seems it's not an issue if you've tried it.
Both Windows 7 and 8 cause problems as well 🙁

Hope you'll reply to it, maybe you've already found an issue! - my thread.
SONY markets their VAIO-series as being gamingcomputers but it really doesnt posess those qualities. The sporadic shutdowns, even if the systemtemperatuers on its components arent overheated isnt always based upon a temperaturecontrol. I have this problem with my VAIO aswell as all other users have. The choice of VAIO has ruined my gamingfun completely.

Why does VAIO fail? It has good quality hardware but an incomplete systemarchitecture and sloppy softwareroutines in drivers and firmwares. Especially since that the processor, the CPU and the GPU, none of these circuits has a fan directly positioned ontop of them. There is only one systemfan and its job is cooling down a piece of copper to in its turn cool down the Processor and the central processing unit by keeping a near touch ontop of them. The graphics processing unit doesnt even have anything attached to it for cooling, not even a piece of oldschool coolingiron. Add the HD widescreen-resolution to that and imagine this will be ran by an motherboardimplented uncooled wannabe-graphicscard. What shocked me most of all though dissecting my VAIO for clues was that the coolingpaste used inbetween the copperbar and circuits was of a brand so bizarre and cheap it was like a fine concrete plaster, rock solid stiff. Either SONY was ripped off, or they rip us off about that issue. I had to use a scalpell to scrape off the damaged coolingparts so that i could replace their useless cheap coolingpaste with state of the art quality paste. Either of these products, markets best coolingpaste or plain concreteplaster costs anything in the amount needed so even conciddering that to be an element of monitary profit would be retarted to say the least, I would guess it rather had a lot of computers sent back for service. I can tip you off though that replacing their useless coolingpaste with a real one practically almost doubled the computers performance in gaming but wont deal with the heatingissues completely. You must also make sure the fan is clean from dustgatherings and especially eventual animalhairs that can risk blocking it up totally. I can aswell recommend to vacumclean the fan severly, make it spin hard and same time put 3-5 small drops of any type of fluid oil onto the fan. It will smoothen the fan, turn it more silent and fasten it up slightly.

When the computer shuts down at about 65 degree celcius without prewarnings its pratcically useless for anything but surfing the web. The soundhardwares software is aswell incompatible and can crash the computer in a locked loop of incompatibility with standardization, though luckily that wont happen too often. Supprising they fail the sound aswell since this is a SONY product. Ive updated its firmwares and drivers two times. But its still incompatible with its own hardware and wont really solve anything. The first update did even make things worse by the way, and I had to restore the original state. The newer one don’t show any differences from the regular one part from an optional switch in its BIOS. Nothing will improve. I would say it’s a disgrace that SONY has implanted such fine quality hardwares, HD, Blueray and been totally careless about the software part, coolingpaste and hardware coolingarchitecture. Big mistake!

Another tip in lowering the systemtemperature is to disable all SONY-softwares slopped on above or “intergrated with” the Windows OS. Remove all automatic update-functions and programmed schematic routines for both windows, SONY softwares and other installed applications. Prefere to operate this manually on your own basis so it wont pop up like a troll and increase the systemtemperature with 10 degrees celcius while gaming. Clear out all useless trash from the autostart-folder. Try to get a one package solution for security aswell talking firewall, antispyware and antivirus all in one program. I would personally recommend Vipre, which is made by a company that has security as their main trade, and the program aims to run without disturbing the systemquality or slowing it down. Minimalize all that you can and you will earn yourselfe about 10 degrees celcius cooler architecture at standard. SONY is by the way infamous for not caring about how the softwares will work for the user, but how it will work for themselves. Disable as many SONY software-switches as you can practically.

I suspect though that this VAIO shutdown issue isn’t all about system temperaturesecurity, bad uncunning software using constants not based upon research and facts, and overall VAIO has seriously buggy and unattended in updating hardware driverroutines. I suspect after analyzing this problem for a long time, that its also based upon some secret powermanagement issue. I have performed tests in where I used outside hardware for cooling, bringing the VAIO down 20 degrees celcius below regular passive systemtemperature and still have had sporadic “overheating” shutdowns, in real low temperatures. In other words they wasn’t based upon overheating issues then. It might also be possible that SONY has been careless enough to leave glitches and backdoors for spywares to perform attacks. SONY is by the way infamous for not caring about how the softwares will work for the users, but how it will work for themselves. This since theyre now known historically to produce questionable softwares. One example is their Minidisc series that came with a computer-program claiming to be a managing software interphase but turned out practically unusable for anything but to be just a big spyware and scout for piracy (SONY Music). I was one of those users aswell. This SONY software was conciddered being so vicious and filthy that it ended up on Wikipedia and into written computerhistory. I think its about time to analyze their softwares again.

This is it for me and SONY atleast, ill never get another SONY whatever it might be. And you who didn’t get this computer yet; -don’t buy it! Youll even get a MAC for the same price as this piece of failware.