Sony Vegas Pro 12 Rendering Freeze and Stopped

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Apr 4, 2013
Hi Guys, I was just messing around with Sony Vegas Pro 12 the other day, and I actually made a great Minecraft Video with it. I tried to render it and upload it to YouTube, but it didn't let me. This is a 20 minute video and the bar just freezes when I try to render the video.

The other day, I tried rendering a 15 second intro video, and it worked fine. I picked the setting as Internet 1080p HD, and I do not know why it doesn't work anymore

The bar usually just freezes at 86% or halfway and more, I have no idea on how to fix this. I'm desperate to upload the new video I made

My GPU : AMD HD Radeon 6780
Processor: Intel Core i5 3.10GHz

Here's a screenshot:
open up Vegas Pro as the administrator.
go to options, then preferences and Turn (OFF) GPU Acceleration.
then apply the setting's and restart the program as normal.
let me know if this helps, turning off GPU acceleration is the 1st method to fixing this problem and works 90% of the time
for most people.
Do what "Sleepyhead Media" said but also check before rendering, when choosing the format to render with, click on it and then click on Customize Template, then under Encode Mode select Render using CPU only! (This is valid if you render in .mp4 which is what is shown on your screenshot)

Also i always remove the tick on Allow source to adjust framerate but i don't know if that's part of the problem, it's just a thing i prefer to leave off.
I had the same problem with my Radeon HD 6850 when rendering in Main-Concept .mp4. The renders either got to 1% or 99% and then froze. After many weeks of on and off troubleshooting, I finally found a solution to my problems. I knew it was a problem with the GPU accelerated renders, so I focused my troubleshooting on that aspect. It turns out that if you are on windows 8 (or I believe 7) you can completely uninstall your Graphics card drivers (if on windows 8 DO NOT use AMD's driver uninstall cleaner utility as it will bug windows to the point where you have to do a system refresh.) , reboot and then go to AMD's website and install Catalyst Control Center 12.8 and it's drivers. Then reboot once more and you should have no more render freezes! This worked for me and I can t guarantee that it will work for you, but hey! it's worth a try right??

Hope this helped!!

I had a similar problem with Vegas Pro 12. It always stopped rendering at 23%. I tried all the solutions discussed at creativecow and other forum, i.e. turn off GPU acceleration etc etc. Nothing helped. Following worked for me. I believe freeze was due to some corrupt file.

Quit Vegas Pro
I opened %appdata%\local\Sony\Vegas Pro\12.0 and deleted all the files which had log and tmp extensions.
Restart Vegas Pro.
Now render worked fine.
Sometimes when I encounter this problem, the project has some part where Vegas says "compression is not required". When I choose the part in timeline and add a little something (unnoticeable color adjustment etc.) Vegas has to render that part too, and the problem oftentimes disappears.

The same happened to me at 8% in a 25s video. I have almost the same specs like you and I don't know how to fix it.


thanks! Exactly the solution
thanx Sleepyhead !!!! U saved me from wrecking my PC ..... i was just about to enter the hulk mode .. thanx ... turning it off in preferences AND in video rendering custom settings (rendering main concept .mp4) i had to turn it off too
still Need Help that worked above but after i render my video and i hit play on the finish copy its a laggy and clue on how to fix this i need my vedio for a project next week to show in front of 200 ppl please help me guys

SLEEPYHEAD is NOT asleep at the wheel! THANK YOU SO MUCH for this invaluable "tip." A genuine project-saver! Many hours into my attempt to resolve this issue and this is the solution for me - and I hope many others find this forum as well!


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