Blackbeardie :
Had the same problem. This solved my issue.
Download the old drivers as mentioned.
I've been having on and off issues with this headset since I purchased them (Second hand, mind you)
I read online about lots of problems people have with them, thankfully most of my major issues have been resolved but every now and then it stops responding. Most notably so when I sleep my computer or when it first starts up, sometimes it just won't let the headset connect.
I will try this and see how it works out for my last issue with this headset, once this issue is resolved I will have them working 100%. I use to have to reinstall the firmware at least once a week if not more.
Now I just ensure that I unplug the receiver after shutting down and plug it in once windows has started. Thanks for this suggestion
Artucrus :
I am having this problem now. I have unplugged, replugged to another (working - checked) USB port. Nothing. I have uninstalled firmware, rebooted computer, gone to Creative to download latest driver and installed it and replugged to working USB. Says no hardware detected and nothing happens.
The link ComputerGuy55 posted, is not working for me. Just leading to a blank space. I am by no means very proficient with computers, and not a native English speaker. So if anyone can do a step by step for dummies, on how to get it to work, that would be excellent.
I think there were a Windows 10 update last night, that might have screwed with it??
I'm sorry to hear that my previous suggestion did not work for you. However, I made a major tech mistake when suggesting my fix. I did not mention that I am running Windows 7 64-bit and the fix was meant for users running it. With Win10 I am not too familiar with it, but ensuring you download the latest firmware for Windows 10 would be the first step, you should be able to find it
here. The link I gave in my first reply was broken, I have now fixed it, thank you.
Again, my apologies. You should be able to download the first one listed there that is 308.75KB, released Dec 15, 2015. If you have any problems with this or are still running into problems with this feel free to reply here or PM me directly. I seemed to have forgotten to subscribe to this thread and didn't notice any replies till I went searching for this thread again