Sound card to Av Receiver


Apr 4, 2012
I have a Dell XPS 8300 Windows 7 with a sound blaster titianium card I can not get the optical out put to work with my Z 5500 speakers so I tried hooking it up to my harmon Kardon AV 635 and nothing> I have selected spdif out on my Computer and I get a red light out of the cable. Also on normal usb speakers I get sound I am technologically dyslexic and I have an idea that the fix is probably something simple and obvious hopefully.
i've never used the z5500 speakers myself but from what i've heard it should be as simple as plugging in the optical cable. are you sure your volume isnt muted on any program? or down super low on the speaker set!

as for connecting up to an avr... you need to make sure the input on the avr is set to spdif (or whatever it labels the input as). again check that nothing is muted.

usb speakers do not connect to the sound card... so they arent really a good judge.

it does appear to be something simple... probably just muted sound, low volume, or you not plugging in the speaker set to the wall plug or something along those lines. just go through a mental checklist and see what you can find.

The speaker reciever on the z 5500 speakers show no digital data
you install the drivers and the dolby digital encoder? you have to encode your audio to a digital format. spdif/optical is only 2channel take 2channels and turn it into a pizza, each slice is a channel of audio. Your receiver isnt receiving a digital format. also you will have to set speakers to default device with that soundcard

be sure to plug in the spdif to the grey not the black. black is input.

other than that check your settings on your receiver/sound system. make sure its on optical 1 or whatever it is.