Split headset and audio from spekers


Jan 1, 2013
Hi everyone, how can i download an updated version of realtek HD audio manager? Becouse i need to split audio beteween spekers and headset. I already tried everything and i figured out that the problem is this HD audio manager not updated.

My version is
i have already checked that site but i have not been able to find what i need, can you please post a direct dowload of realtek HD manager?
Thank you in advance
I had this same issue: See this thread http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/366953-28-realtek-audio-front-back-panel-audio

If your like me and don't have the part where it says 'device advance settings' in the top right hand corner in the 'realtek hd audio manager', but you still have a folder icon. Click the folder icon: Then you'll get the setting 'disable front panel jack detection' - Click that then your rear panel will start working along with the back panel....

But the next problem I encountered was to do with my 'headset' or speakers connected to the front-panel were only getting part of the sound on running multichannel audio and it was not down-mixing for the front-panel. I had a pile of wires and stuff and came up with a way to downmix it myself, but I doubt that part is going to help you. (that's also in that link)