Sports Camcorder: $1,000 Budget


Aug 18, 2016
I have been using a Sony Handycam HDR-CX350V with a Manfrotto MVH500A head to film junior high sports. I then use PowerDirector to edit the footage. I am looking to get a better camcorder and have a budget of $1,000. What would you recommend?
When shooting football, soccer, baseball, softball and other sports played on a field you would want something, as I'm sure you know, with a good wide angle lens to get more of the action. Low-light performance is critical with indoor sports as lighting is not always the best so the larger the sensor the better. Do you do anything with slow-motion? I only ask because the higher the frame rate the better for smoother slow-motion clips. Is there anything specifically you are looking for in a camcorder such as a microphone and/or headphone jack?
Slow motion: I probably use this feature about 5% of the time on my current camera. However most of the footage is unusable with a few gems.

Additional features: I record choir concerts so I been using a Sennheiser MKE 400 on a separate tripod. It is a poorly lit auditorium so a camera that works well in that environment would help.

What do you recommend?