Star Trek Box set?


Mar 30, 2004
Archived from groups: (More info?)

With my daughter's wedding approaching and the consequent need for
as-much-money-as-I-can-get type of thing, I'm wondering if any of my
collection could be worth more than the $3 they seem to bring on Ebay. Can
anyone tell me what titles are sought after the most? I've been collecting
since the early 80's and have amassed quite a few.

Archived from groups: (More info?)

"Mark" wrote:

> With my daughter's wedding approaching and the consequent need for
> as-much-money-as-I-can-get type of thing, I'm wondering if any of my
> collection could be worth more than the $3 they seem to bring on Ebay.
> Can anyone tell me what titles are sought after the most? I've been
> collecting since the early 80's and have amassed quite a few.

The Animated Series Box Set seems to still get decent prices ranging around
$100 but with the eventual release of this title on dvd, likely before the
end of the year, I'd sell this set asap while the collector's market for it
is still there if you have it.

Everything else Star Trek related is only going to get you a few bucks per
disc these days when it comes to the LD format.

Archived from groups: (More info?)

Insurrection on LD can get more than a few dollars
The Cage with forward by Gene Roddenberry will also get more than a few

Mark wrote:
> With my daughter's wedding approaching and the consequent need for
> as-much-money-as-I-can-get type of thing, I'm wondering if any of my
> collection could be worth more than the $3 they seem to bring on Ebay. Can
> anyone tell me what titles are sought after the most? I've been collecting
> since the early 80's and have amassed quite a few.
> Thanks
> Mark