Steam and bandwidth limiting/ scheduling?


May 1, 2010
Hey all,
So Ive just seen Dawn of War 2 Chaos rising for half price on steam at the moment which I am pretty keen on.
The only thing is that I only get 5GB a month of bandwidth (but I do get free off peak between 4am and 8am) and as far as I know, steam doesnt have a built in scheduler.

So does anyone know of bandwidth limiting software that would allow me to download games off steam and other applications only between specified times? Links Please?

Oh and I do have NetLimiter 3 Pro but im not sure if you can set it up to allow applications bandwidth usage only between certain times. If anyone knows how to do this on NetLimiter can you please give me a step by step walkthrough? :)
Yes, you can accomplish what you want in NL3 and it's very simple to do. Here's how:

1. Open software.
2. On the list of Apps currently running, select the program that you wish to schedule usage times.
3. With the program still selected (just left clicked once), look on the right portion of the window and you'll see a small link titled "Add Rule" inside the "Rules List" box.
4. Click on the Add Rule link and another window should pop.
5. On the left there are sub menus, select Scheduler.
6. Now, click Add just under "Start Time Conditions" and you should be able to set a start time for usage.
7. Do the same as step 6, but this time under the "Stop Time Conditions".
8. Hit Apply.

You're all set!
ok thanks heaps for the easy to understand explanation. I manged to get it setup but steam doesn't seem to like it much. it will sometimes carry on downloading after the specified times and vice versa. unless you have any other ideas on what I could do then I guess I'm gonna have to stick with setting my alarm to 4am sadly.

Well, another thing you that might try doing is changing the schedule settings inside your router (if you have one) to grant access during those times. I have no way of knowing what router you have right now so I can't give you a tutorial, but 99% of all routers have this feature. One other option you could do is make a macro that goes through the steps of turning on your internet, opening Steam, starting DL's, etc...

Hope this helped!