Steve Jobs, What Happened To You?

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Apr 21, 2009
Android is quickly becoming the standard for cell phones these days. I wholly expect Nokia and maybe even RIM to cave and jump on board. I hope W7 dies quickly or morphs into a gaming device.

The irony though, is that Android has become just as closed as iOS. Carriers refuse to update the OS unless pushed and they turn off unauthorized installs by default. Aunty Jane with her new Android device is effectively in stasis until she buys a new one or has techies in the family.

T-Mobile killed the G1 at 1.6 even though it can run Froyo 2.2. It's just too much work to support old handsets when what they really want is for customers to come back for a new contract and a new phone.


Dec 1, 2007
I can't wait for the Apple trend to die out again. The PC market just needs to grow a brain. Aluminum and Glass are in, plastic has been out for a few years. Get with it...

That, and make things overly simplistic. Look to Google and IE's new logo for examples.


Aug 7, 2008
[citation][nom]pooflinger1[/nom]Also, if Verizon customers we so anxios to get an iphone, they would have already jumped ship and got one. And some people did. You also have to look at who is buying iphones... Think about it. Most people that want an iphone have one.[/citation]

AT&T's 3G coverage is not quite the same as Verizon, also AT&T has lost customers no matter what phones they carry. The iPhone will very quickly become one of Verizon's best selling phones - no doubt about it. And there are many current Android users that will jump ship to the iPhone once it's available (and their contracts are up.) You say it's not very likely, I say your not being realistic. Verizon customers wan't iPhones, but settle for Androids. That's a dangerous position to be in.



Jul 26, 2008
Yeah but then its the carriers / phone manufacturers job to update the software and build the phones not Google's. The real difference is how they go about dealing with the phone manufactures and service providers. Apple says "who wants to be the lucky one to get our exclusive phone" and basically dictates the entire approach to the service provider. Google just gives the source code out and lets the manufactures develop their own phones. Apple is locking their own software down, but with Android its the manufacturers who have to do it, and due to it being linux it will always be unlock-able.


Nov 27, 2007
Steve is like a child "I was the first to do this, Google you are a bad guy to do the same thing I do, its not fare" snif...

You have only 1 phone, Android is installed on 10 ? 20 ? different devices, so don't cry, its normal to have more Android phones.
And Steve, you don't want to be the leader in a market, you are a good challenger to push the others and to keep your "unique" device which make an iPhone owner a "cool" (but stupid maybe) person.



Feb 12, 2010
18,930 taking over the world. life will soon just be magical and easy to use. Uh ohhh, that means no more scientology..back to the feudal age we go, but with our ipads!


Oct 5, 2007
The saddest thing is that he probably knows that this might not last. Has anyone else noticed that in the past few months that Jobs has not been hitting the target? He described the iPad as magical when it was nothing but a over sized iPod touch.

He told his own customers that they were using the iPhone 4 wrong, at first wasn't going to do anything to fix it then offered free bumpers without apologizing to his paycheck.

Now he goes off an tries to tear all the competition apart with pretty much crap info.

Either he feels that its not going to last or he is losing his grip on reality.


Mar 23, 2009
point of order:
when someone disses (company/product), its not necessarily because they are a '(competing product) troll', or a '(competing product) fanboy'.

it could just be that they hate or are frustrated by (company/product)...

example: I hate terrorists, but I'm no Gorge Bush fanboy...

honestly, just seems to me that people who do that are (company/product) fanboys desperately trying to find excuses: "oh, its not because there are valid reasons to hate (company/product), its just that they are fanatical about a competing product"

also: just FYI, Steve has been saying spirited, rage educing, untrue, propaganda for as long as I can remember. this is nothing new.


Oct 14, 2008
This is one of the main reasons I hate Apple and most politicians come election time. Tout your own accomplishments and stop bad mouthing everyone else. If I am interested in your product tell me about it if I own your stock tell me a reason to buy more and what new innovative products are coming down the line that will spurn more stock growth. Give me a reason to want what you have and not some PR spin and a jerk at the helm.

Travis Beane

Aug 6, 2010
That was a interesting read. Helps to remind you that everyone has two sides, and that no one is perfect. While I may dislike the man, I won't deny that he is one hell of a man.
[citation][nom]doped[/nom]the more I read about steve jobs, all he really ever was/is obsessed with, was to be on top of his competitors, and if he's not, he, as this article states, takes it personally. I believe that it's something along those lines that made him get fired from apple back in the late 1990's. He's not just playing the game on a business level. He's doing it for himself, and I truly believe it's a personal game for him. Take a look at _Pirates of Silicon valley_. also a great movie. Most of it is to be true, and you'll get a better understanding of this man. He's playing another game, within the game.[/citation]
It's all a game. I like that idea.


Mar 5, 2010
How is trolling tonight?
What is even funnier is the rating of the posts.
I guess a little power trip is always good for a hungry troll =)


Nov 10, 2008
[citation][nom]TEAMSWITCHER[/nom]AT&T's 3G coverage is not quite the same as Verizon...[/citation]

The why do I have reception in the sticks and Verizon and Sprint phones do not. There are more phone just as capable if nor more so than the iphone on Verizon's network. People are just diluted into thinking that the iphone is the best and those waiting for it on other carriers are just dumb asses.


The Apple company is Steve Job's child. When a parent feels a threat against his/her child, the parent will fight like a bear. So Jobs feels threaten by Google and using the media as his tool... to vent his anger...


Mar 24, 2008
It's a bubble that's gonna burst, if he doesn't let some air out, & come down some. Soon he's gonna build statues & burn Rome down like Nero. But it doesn't have to go this way, although success fueled by other people's greed, does make a nasty cocktail.


May 28, 2009
Despite one or two typo's, probably one of the best toms articles i've read in a while. Truthful, informative and bang on the money as far as i'm concerned.

I said the exact same thing as far as his rant is concerned, he's worried about Google and other competitors beginning to bite his heels; his top dog spot is under serious threat and this little mistake showed it in a glaring fashion.

[citation][nom]NewJohnny[/nom]The irony though, is that Android has become just as closed as iOS. Carriers refuse to update the OS unless pushed and they turn off unauthorized installs by default. Aunty Jane with her new Android device is effectively in stasis until she buys a new one or has techies in the family.[/citation]

Closed due to carriers/vendors, not due to Google. IOS is closed due to Apple, the carriers have no say what so ever. Google should maybe be more aggressive to make carriers/vendors offer upgrade paths with their phones but i guess thats the downside with an open OS that people are free to do whatever they want.

Open > Closed

Fragmented vs integrated? Steve was talking out of his arse at this point, even my X10 with 1.6 has lots of features integrated into it, nothing fragmented about it.


Aug 13, 2009
[citation][nom]Lynxs59[/nom]This is one of the main reasons I hate Apple and most politicians come election time. Tout your own accomplishments and stop bad mouthing everyone else. If I am interested in your product tell me about it if I own your stock tell me a reason to buy more and what new innovative products are coming down the line that will spurn more stock growth. Give me a reason to want what you have and not some PR spin and a jerk at the helm.[/citation]
Couldn't have stated it better myself.

[citation][nom]smeker[/nom]How is trolling tonight? What is even funnier is the rating of the posts. I guess a little power trip is always good for a hungry troll =)[/citation]
You have serious issues.

[citation][nom]matt87_50[/nom]also: just FYI, Steve has been saying spirited, rage educing, untrue, propaganda for as long as I can remember. this is nothing new.[/citation]
Very true. You ever wonder when people buy things that are about $300+ to couple of thousand dollars, they do research on the products (well most people) - but when people buy Apple Products, they never do the research? Just cracks me up. Like I stated over and over before and you have to admit it, Apple's Marketing pwnzors anything else from its competitors. I buy Apple Products(which I have is just one PowerBook and latest OSX(hackintosh)), for my personal reasons. 98% of my PC and tech stuf are non-Apple Products. Again its choice for me...but not the ill-informed type of choice most people who buy Apple Products have.
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