Student wanting to play starcraft 2 on a laptop


Sep 20, 2009
Really wanna play Starcarft 2 on a laptop.
Also wanna use it for school.
I am looking at the N61 for $1000.
I wanna use an external monitor at 1600*900.

1_What is your budget?
2_What is the size of the notebook
that you are considering?
3_What screen resolution
do you want?
5_How much battery life do you need?
2 hours doing school work
6_Do you want to play games with your laptop?
Starcraft 2 on high with external monitor
7_What other tasks do you want to do with your laptop? (Photo / Video editing,watching movies, Etc.)
Office work8_How much storage (H.D.D Capacity) do you need?

9_If you are considering specific sites to buy from, please post their links.
10_How long do you want to keep your laptop?
11_What kind of Optical drive do you need? DVD ROM/Writer,Bluray ROM/Writer,Etc ?
12_Please tell us about the brands that you prefer to buy from them and the brands that you don't like and explain the reasons.
1. asus(bc of warrenty)
2. hp/dell/sony

13_What country do you live in?

14_Please tell us any additional information if needed.

Not gaming looking. clean and professional please.
see battery life

Not sure if you're against a 17"... but the Asus G73 best buy version is a heck of a deal at $1200. Main difference vs the one you chose... obviously its a 17 inch. It has a 5870 (this alone is worth the $200 increase in price vs the 5730), has 6gb ram instead of 4, and has a bigger harddrive. Ontop of that it has a 10000times better keyboard and touchpad (i know from experience, the keyboard is like nothing I've ever seen on a laptop, perfect keystrokes, spacing, and backlit)
*it also has the best cooling solution in any reasonably priced notebook. I'd HIGHLY recomend spending the $200 bucks more on it over the one you chose on newegg.
-the best buy version is cheaper than the Asus direct b/c it has an average resolution (not 1080p), and also doesnt have bluetooth. I never use bluetooth, so wasnt a big deal to me.;jsessionid=5E76A2D5804D14DDD2D55FF493C9B565.bbolsp-app01-49?id=1218165344675&skuId=9741729&st=asus%20g73&cp=1&lp=1
I would recommend this,

Slightly over your budget but the gruntier video card will be well worth it in the long run. Especially running an external monitor at 1600 resolutions, high settings with any amount of AA will kick the $h!t out of the 5770 in the n60.

If this is out of your budget reach then the n60 is definitely your next best thing

^^^^+1^^^^^ Couldnt find one with a 5870 at a reasonable price, thats a bloody good deal right there :)

Ive deff been looking at the asus g series but man it soo big and gaming looking. i dont think that i could go to class with that thing. especially not with its battery life. I really don't get it why asus cant give a option to put any of there video cards into the n series. I know it needs better cooling and such but damn.

i want the g73, but instead of the stealth bomber look, i want a briefcase kinda look. thats all i want....
Ok im stepping this thing back ONE LAST TIME!
I am buying 2morrow!!!

I am stepping up to the G51 over the n61.

Ive found them for cheaper prices and the step up in graphics card, screen res, back lit keyboard is worth the bulk and little decrease in battery life IMO.

Now the question is, WHICH G51??

They are all the same except:

G51JX-X2 : i7 720qm + 4GB + 320GB 7200

G51JX-X3 : i5 430m + 4GB + 500GB 7200

All i want to know is will stepping down to the i5 increase the battery but still be about the same with games. Ive found many places that say the i5 will be cooler but where can i find this out? And will it hurt my starcraft 2 playing???

Also reading the reviews , it seems like the i5 runs just as hot as the i7, should i just go ahead and get the i7 for the small boost?

If anyone thinks i can get 30min more of time out of the i5 ill get it..... i just dont know how miniscule the difference between the two is.

or maybe still the n61??? urgh!