Hi all
I just wanted to ask you your opinion about these 3 very very cheap cameras because I'd want to buy my first digital camera:
Canon PowerShot A490 (43 euros)
Olympus VG-110 (55 euros)
Nikon Coolpix L27 (48 euros)
I know that differences are very small between very cheap cameras so... I ask you to tell me what's the less worse
I think I'll use it also for some night shots of urban landscapes so I think it could be usefull for those occasions to have a slow shutter and a tripod.
Well below are the main differences I care most about the cameras (no video data because I just don't care):
Canon PowerShot A490
-year 2010
-Focal Length (eq.) & Aperture Range 37-122mm; f/3.0-5.8
-CCD Sensor 10.0 megapixels (1/2.3")
-image stabilization NO
-Shutter Speed Range 15" - 1/2000
-Metering modes Multi-Area, Semi-Spot, Spot
-Autofocus (num. of areas) 5 (from www.juzaphoto.com)
Nikon Coolpix L27
-year 2013
-Focal Length (eq.) & Aperture Range 26-130mm; f/3.2-6.9
-CCD Sensor 16.1 megapixels (1/2.3")
-image stabilization
-Shutter Speed Range 4" - 1/2000
-Metering modes Multi-Area
-Autofocus (num. of areas) 9 (from www.juzaphoto.com)
Olympus VG-110:
-year 2011
-Focal Length (eq.) & Aperture Range 27–108mm; f/2.9-6.5
-CCD Sensor 12 megapixels (1/2.3")
-Digital Image Stabilization
-Shutter Speed Range 4" - 1/2000
-Metering modes Multi, Spot AF-area
-Autofocus (num. of areas) ??
There's a big difference between CCD Sensors in Mp(10 VS 12 VS 16) but I don't understand if its important because the sensors size is the same (1/2.3"). Can you explane it please?
I'd be more interested to Canon because of the very slow shutter speed (15") that would allow to take better night shots with a tripod (...right?), it has 3 Metering modes but it's 3 years older than the nikon. Olympus has a buch of "Magic Filters" that I guess increase its price but I really don't care of them! Nikon seems to have a better autofocus and, as Olympus, has an "image stabilization"...well I've lot of doubts about this option because I've red that in these very cheap cameras it's quite useless so I don't know if it can be a plus for these 2 ones; in particular:
Thank you very much in advance,
See you

Canon PowerShot A490 (43 euros)
Olympus VG-110 (55 euros)
Nikon Coolpix L27 (48 euros)
I know that differences are very small between very cheap cameras so... I ask you to tell me what's the less worse
I think I'll use it also for some night shots of urban landscapes so I think it could be usefull for those occasions to have a slow shutter and a tripod.
Well below are the main differences I care most about the cameras (no video data because I just don't care):
Canon PowerShot A490
-year 2010
-Focal Length (eq.) & Aperture Range 37-122mm; f/3.0-5.8
-CCD Sensor 10.0 megapixels (1/2.3")
-image stabilization NO
-Shutter Speed Range 15" - 1/2000
-Metering modes Multi-Area, Semi-Spot, Spot
-Autofocus (num. of areas) 5 (from www.juzaphoto.com)
Nikon Coolpix L27
-year 2013
-Focal Length (eq.) & Aperture Range 26-130mm; f/3.2-6.9
-CCD Sensor 16.1 megapixels (1/2.3")
-image stabilization
-Shutter Speed Range 4" - 1/2000
-Metering modes Multi-Area
-Autofocus (num. of areas) 9 (from www.juzaphoto.com)
Olympus VG-110:
-year 2011
-Focal Length (eq.) & Aperture Range 27–108mm; f/2.9-6.5
-CCD Sensor 12 megapixels (1/2.3")
-Digital Image Stabilization
-Shutter Speed Range 4" - 1/2000
-Metering modes Multi, Spot AF-area
-Autofocus (num. of areas) ??
There's a big difference between CCD Sensors in Mp(10 VS 12 VS 16) but I don't understand if its important because the sensors size is the same (1/2.3"). Can you explane it please?
I'd be more interested to Canon because of the very slow shutter speed (15") that would allow to take better night shots with a tripod (...right?), it has 3 Metering modes but it's 3 years older than the nikon. Olympus has a buch of "Magic Filters" that I guess increase its price but I really don't care of them! Nikon seems to have a better autofocus and, as Olympus, has an "image stabilization"...well I've lot of doubts about this option because I've red that in these very cheap cameras it's quite useless so I don't know if it can be a plus for these 2 ones; in particular:
Can you please show me how to read the datas I've written above and which camera could be better for me?Somewhat disappointingly, the A490 / A495 lacks Canon's optical image stabilisation system.[...]Canon's optical system for reducing the effects of camera shake makes a very real difference to the potential for getting good hand held shots in low light, adding an extra three to four stops of compensation.
Sadly, the Olympus VG-110 lacks true mechanical image stabilization, instead opting only for what Olympus calls "Digital Image Stabilization", which increases the ISO sensitivity (and along with it, both the shutter speed and image noise levels) to try and freeze motion.
Thank you very much in advance,
See you