S saswat12345 Honorable Aug 22, 2012 17 0 10,560 Feb 6, 2017 #1 Hi, Recommend any gaming laptop in India available under 65k inr max 70 with 4gb gfx card & if possible gtx 950m model . Thanks
Hi, Recommend any gaming laptop in India available under 65k inr max 70 with 4gb gfx card & if possible gtx 950m model . Thanks
Solution V V velo3100 Feb 13, 2017 Here is one for the 940mx: http/www.notebookcheck.net/NVIDIA-GeForce-940MX.156033.0.html
V velo3100 Splendid Moderator Jun 22, 2014 4,196 0 31,310 Feb 9, 2017 #2 Can you give me some websites you use for the laptop? Upvote 0 Downvote
S saswat12345 Honorable Aug 22, 2012 17 0 10,560 Feb 9, 2017 #3 velo3100 : Can you give me some websites you use for the laptop? Amazon.In , Flipkart.com , Snapdeal.com Upvote 0 Downvote
velo3100 : Can you give me some websites you use for the laptop? Amazon.In , Flipkart.com , Snapdeal.com
V velo3100 Splendid Moderator Jun 22, 2014 4,196 0 31,310 Feb 10, 2017 #4 This is the best I can find: https/www.flipkart.com/hp-core-i5-7th-gen-8-gb-1-tb-hdd-windows-10-home-4-gb-graphics-y4f77pa-15-au114tx-notebook/p/itmemzhfrqvgzqej?pid=COMEMZHFKARY9MCF&srno=b_1_33&otracker=CLP_filters&lid=LSTCOMEMZHFKARY9MCFOIO8JE Upvote 0 Downvote
This is the best I can find: https/www.flipkart.com/hp-core-i5-7th-gen-8-gb-1-tb-hdd-windows-10-home-4-gb-graphics-y4f77pa-15-au114tx-notebook/p/itmemzhfrqvgzqej?pid=COMEMZHFKARY9MCF&srno=b_1_33&otracker=CLP_filters&lid=LSTCOMEMZHFKARY9MCFOIO8JE
S saswat12345 Honorable Aug 22, 2012 17 0 10,560 Feb 10, 2017 #5 velo3100 : This is the best I can find: https/www.flipkart.com/hp-core-i5-7th-gen-8-gb-1-tb-hdd-windows-10-home-4-gb-graphics-y4f77pa-15-au114tx-notebook/p/itmemzhfrqvgzqej?pid=COMEMZHFKARY9MCF&srno=b_1_33&otracker=CLP_filters&lid=LSTCOMEMZHFKARY9MCFOIO8JE How will the HP compare to this one ? http/www.amazon.in/gp/aw/d/B01M20TFQ7/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1486761573&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX118_SY170_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=lenovo+ideapad+510&dpPl=1&dpID=41qk8MA9xjL&ref=plSrch Upvote 0 Downvote
velo3100 : This is the best I can find: https/www.flipkart.com/hp-core-i5-7th-gen-8-gb-1-tb-hdd-windows-10-home-4-gb-graphics-y4f77pa-15-au114tx-notebook/p/itmemzhfrqvgzqej?pid=COMEMZHFKARY9MCF&srno=b_1_33&otracker=CLP_filters&lid=LSTCOMEMZHFKARY9MCFOIO8JE How will the HP compare to this one ? http/www.amazon.in/gp/aw/d/B01M20TFQ7/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1486761573&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX118_SY170_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=lenovo+ideapad+510&dpPl=1&dpID=41qk8MA9xjL&ref=plSrch
V velo3100 Splendid Moderator Jun 22, 2014 4,196 0 31,310 Feb 11, 2017 #6 Apart from the ram being faster and the amount of ram slots being faster in the hp, there is no difference assuming it has a gt 940mx. Upvote 0 Downvote
Apart from the ram being faster and the amount of ram slots being faster in the hp, there is no difference assuming it has a gt 940mx.
S saswat12345 Honorable Aug 22, 2012 17 0 10,560 Feb 11, 2017 #7 velo3100 : Apart from the ram being faster and the amount of ram slots being faster in the hp, there is no difference assuming it has a gt 940mx. Any Benchmark test results for this laptop or GPU in games please ? Upvote 0 Downvote
velo3100 : Apart from the ram being faster and the amount of ram slots being faster in the hp, there is no difference assuming it has a gt 940mx. Any Benchmark test results for this laptop or GPU in games please ?
V velo3100 Splendid Moderator Jun 22, 2014 4,196 0 31,310 Feb 13, 2017 Solution #8 Here is one for the 940mx: http/www.notebookcheck.net/NVIDIA-GeForce-940MX.156033.0.html Upvote 0 Downvote Solution