Suggestions for Laptop for College - Portable but powerful


Oct 11, 2017
I've been searching for a laptop to replace my current laptop AND desktop. I had an old desktop with a Bulldozer AMD in it but decided for college I really don't need the extra deadweight of a massive desktop. I need something to replace though both my surface pro 3 and the desktop. I used to be much more of a gamer but now only play games a little bit and can't imagine it will increase with college.

I really need the laptop to be under 4 lbs with a minimum of a 2gb graphics card though I would prefer 4. Battery life is also pretty high on the list of things I need.

I would really appreciate any suggestions. Don't worry too much about pricing. I have a fair bit to spend. Just keep it reasonable.


Thanks. I did look at those but they were a bit too heavy. I was considering the fairly new ASUS Zenbook Pro UX550VE with a 1050ti in it and it only weighs about 3.9 pounds. Any thoughts?