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We watched it on an OTA receiver here in Cincinnati and it was basically
flawless, just as you would expect from the Superbowl. It was humorous
because I had the TV on the OTA Fox channel and had to run up to the store I
got back and didn't really look at the TV but from the other room I heard my
oldest brother say "what the hell good is this huge TV if the whole screen
isn't displayed?". So I walked around the corner (this was just before
kickoff so they were showing the field", picked up the remote and noticed
that someone had changed it to the DishNetwork local feed, switched it to
the OTA HD channel and the whole room (about 15 people of varying ages) went
"woooooow!" at the same time. Talk about making me feel like every
considerable dollar I spent on the TV, receiver, and new entertainment
center was worth it!!
Now, if CBS, and ESPN would get off there asses and start broadcasting more
college hoops in HD I would be forced to have tournament parties in March
and April!!!
"Jay A" <> wrote in message
> Is this game really being broadcast in HD?
> Either something is wrong here with either FOX or my cable provider
> (Adelphia in Southern California) or this is just way underimpressive
> compared to the CBS game 2 weeks ago. THAT was stunning!