Switcher HDMI cable source


Jul 15, 2014
Where is everyone purchasing their HDMI cables to use with their Samsung TVs and their Monoprice switchers? I'm missing something in the description when going to purchase. They are all too large to fit in the ports on the switcher. Don't laugh. I'm a novice and just trying to use our surround sound system on our Samsung TV with no audio out. Found this solution to our dilemma, but not quite there yet.
The switcher they mention extracts the audio from the HDMI stream in digital and analog so it can be connected to HTiB or video projectors.
HDMI connectors do have an orientation so be careful. Some may require a bit more force so they don't fall out like the first HDMI cables tended to do.


Jul 15, 2014

#5557 Monoprice HDMI 4 Port Switcher. I'm trying to solve a problem that my husband has given up on/too proud to admit he made a mistake. He was following the advice of gregates who posted on this forum in December, 2013 that he solved the issue with his Samsung TV using the Monoprice 5557. I guess since we had a number of HDMI cables at home, he saw no need to purchase more when he purchased the switcher. I was hoping to buy something locally and save some time.
The switcher they mention extracts the audio from the HDMI stream in digital and analog so it can be connected to HTiB or video projectors.
HDMI connectors do have an orientation so be careful. Some may require a bit more force so they don't fall out like the first HDMI cables tended to do.