Take Classic 5.1 Home Speakers and Xonar Essence STX

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Feb 14, 2014
Hello everyone recently i have bought the take classic 5.1 speaker set and after about a month of having no idea how to set them up i finally have. But i have encountered many problems along the way. I have been able to fix them all without any help but right now i am stuck and this is my last option for help.

Problem: I have set up the satellite speakers and connected them to the sub-woofer via 16-gauge copper wire, and i have used PCA-cables to connect the subwoofer to my computer, VIA my new XONAR Essence STX sound card, BUT THERE IS NO SOUND! Countless hours have been spent trying to figure this out on my own but i still cant figure this last thing out please help.
You need a 5.1 amp. Those speakers are not amplified. Directly from the manual for your speakers

All ENERGY Speakers are designed to operate on a wide range of receivers and/or
amplifiers. The impedance for all models is rated at 8 ohms, allowing almost any
amplifier to function well. Of course, the better the amplifier and the system
components, the better the overall system will sound."

You will need a 5.1 amp and then with a surround amp, your best bet for sound would be hdmi, and making your sound card pointless.

you should have looked better and researched because you bought speakers than need an amp to feed a surround signal and that amp probably isn't to like anything that the sound card will output...
Sorry went to sleep after my last update

Ok i did exactly as getochkn said. Rca connected to left line in on sub, And via the Sub Pre Out, Used multiple 5.1 surround speaker sound checks, Turn the power on and power-mode. But still no sound kinda getting abit worried.

Might try the next solution ie the rca cable with a splitter

After that ill have to figure out the wire thing.

Is there a way to test to see if its something wrong with the subwoofer?
try into the right line in then. maybe only 1 works in mono mode. also make sure the receiver is setup properly to know there is a sub. not familiar with that one but my Denon has a whole on-screen setup thing that sends test tones and uses a mic to determine what speakers you have, where they are, etc and calibrates everything. maybe your receiver just don't know there is a sub.

EDIT. just looked there should be a mic with your receiver and a test tone setup as it shows in the manual, maybe try that.
Going through the manual i found

"STATUS INDICATOR – The LED found on the front panel will illuminate in blue
when the subwoofer in functioning. If the unit is in Auto mode and is not
receiving a signal, the light will remain off."

This should mean that if i plug it in and turn it on the light indicator should be blue regardless of input? not sure if theres a problem with my sub?

In relation to the sub being on within the settings of the reciever yes there is an option and i have turned it on and its also indicated on the reciver that it is sending sound to the subwoofer option.
it does show 120v@60hz. not sure what you use there, but that's right on the back of it.

You should be able to turn the power to on, plug in rca jack into either plug and touch the end of the rca tip and the outer part and get the sub to hum or pop a bit. turn up the volume to at least half, phase to 0, and try that. that will let you know if the sub is getting any sound.
well #$% that sucks soo much not sure whether or not to give up right now, although come to think of it i remember that when i first pluged the sub in it was making a sound and now its dead silent sigh ill have to buy a converter but pretty sure that im $%^^##$$ right now 😀 🙁🙁 sigh converter is about $40 so that wouldnt have been a problem if i did more research but thanks
Ok i tried the converter although didnt get anywhere its most defs broken just dont know the extent yet. im gonna try look up to see how to repair it.

You think warranty will cover this?
nope. that would be doubtful.

The warranty does not cover damage caused during shipment, by accident, misuse,
abuse, neglect, unauthorized product modification, failure to follow the instructions
outlined in the owner’s manual, failure to perform routine maintenance, damage
resulting from unauthorized repairs or claims based upon misrepresentations of the
warranty by the seller.

on the rear it only states 120v @ 60hz. some units have a transformer which allows them to handle more or less voltage at a different hz rate however they typically state such on the rear panel and in the manual. this particular unit doesnt seem to.

if you hooked it up to 240v that would be classified as "accident" or one of the other words mentioned.

i cant say how much of a ah heck it would be to fix. if it has a fuse inside then maybe not so bad however it it doesnt have a fuse then you could have burned something out.