Teen Accidentally Shoots Brother While Posing for Facebook Pic

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Jan 17, 2008
[citation][nom]matt_b[/nom]The same could be argued about something like automobile fatalities and accidents. Don't be another person that blames the medium, tool, or inanimate object for a situation's outcome, blame the person's actions or carelessness.[/citation]

Car: purpose of transportation.

Gun: purpose of "transportation" of a bullet into a target with the intent to kill.

The analogy is fail and should be ended as you look like an idiot using it.


Jan 8, 2009
[citation][nom]Kami3k[/nom]Car: purpose of transportation.Gun: purpose of "transportation" of a bullet into a target with the intent to kill.The analogy is fail and should be ended as you look like an idiot using it.[/citation]
We'll get to the idiot part in a second, bear with me:

Cars don't kill people and guns don't kill people. One of the many purposes of a gun is to be used to inflict harm and kill. Automobiles are meant as recreation, sport, racing, transportation, etc, never was it designed to be used with the intent to harm or kill others - but the problem is that fatalities and injuries are reported with both guns AND automobiles involved in incidents. Now, going back to the idiot comment you made, how do you explain this last sentence if they have nothing to do with one another? Intent and design of an inanimate object have nothing to do with how human beings choose to utilize them. I choose a car vs a gun because cars are well-known and very popular, and guns scare people and invoke fear because of a lack of understanding within public. "With great power comes great responsibility" - so goes the famous quote, so drive safely!

We had in the news the other day that a man beat his girlfriend to death with a baseball bat, do you blame the man because (according to yours and some others' logic) the baseball bat was not designed to kill, or do you blame the man because he had the option to resolve whatever conflict he faced in a much more peaceful (and life-preserving) way? Answer wisely..........


Jul 9, 2009
[citation][nom]lamorpa[/nom]Thank for exactly proving the point of the person you responded to. It's not about belief or disbelief, it's about having a hole blown in you by a bullet. It is difficult to tell if your very tired old substitution example ('ladder' in your case) is more missaplied or simply point-blank stupid. You know as well as anyone, a ladder is not a easily transportable and concealable weapon. You do know that a firearm is much more lethal by it's very nature, and you do know that the lethality of a weapon directly correlates to the fatality rate of a conflict. These are facts. No attitude or level of self-centered stupidity changes them. All sensible people are able to determine the difference between sensible gun control (no all-caps needed) and an outright ban on private firearms (which no one is seeking). So get a life, begin thinking, and stop being a crazed fanatic. There is no question whatsoever that a general redution in firearms will reduce the rate of firearm deaths. Current policies are too loose, and have too many loopholes. Sensible controls will help, leaving a greater ratio of firearms in the hands of trained law abiding citizens. You're not Rambo. You, in an armed conflict, would crap your pants and spray a couple of shots, hopefully, at the ceiling, if not at an innocent bystander. Why do we universally see combat veterans as the most vocal against carry and especially concealed carry promotion? They've been there and they know how average Joe-target-plunker would do in a real conflict. They'd rather not get their kid or wife or mom shot.[/citation]

Wow! You make all the classic arrogant, intellectually dishonest, intellectually sophomoric, anti-gun arguments, with no facts with which to back up your blanket assertions.

LOL! "All sensible people . . ." Sensible according to whom? Are we to assume that only anti-gun people are "sensible, and thus by definition anyone who wishes to own, possess, use firearms is irrational or "unsensible?" Too funny! You make a circular, irrefutable and unsubstantiated argument based on your own biases and beliefs. Very typical of those on the left and those who fundamentally disbelieve in the concepts of individual liberty, freedom and responsibility.

Poll after poll shows that not only do combat veterans, but street level police officers overwhelmingly support the right of individuals to keep and bear arms. The ratio isn't even close and most of those (always the most parroted and echoed by the MSM) who do oppose it are the political appointees, like police chiefs.

The examples I gave are exactly applicable. The likelihood of any one individual being shot by a law abiding citizen exercising their right, as protected under the 2nd amendment is vanishingly small by comparison to virtually every other common form of death. Remember that those "homicide" number you always see reported include all justifiable (self-defense) killings as they are classified as homicides.

The most readily apparent fact about every one of these mass killings is the fact that they invariably occur in "gun-free zones." Hmmm. . . . why do you suppose that is? Could it be because the perp knows with absolute certainty that he will not face someone capable of stopping him in his malevolent intent?

What is absolutely clear about you, who would restrict of completely outlaw possession of firearms for the average law-abiding person, fear your fellow citizens more than you fear a tyrannical government. History is replete with examples that prove your fear to be misplaced. Tyranny can only occur when those in government do not fear their citizenry, which is one reason those bent on such action begin with an effort to outlaw firearms.

Our American Founding Fathers understood this fact (being far better educated than most modern liberals, far better and clearer thinkers, and having expended their blood and treasure to free themselves from the tyranny of a despotic king). Thus they included those rights under the rubric of those "endowed by our Creator," those "unalienable rights" which spawn directly from the right to own property--the paramount right (as far as they were concerned), and restricted, with specific language, the power of our government to interfere with that right.

The worst and by far most nonsensical thing people like yourself do is to anthropomorphize firearms (and other policially incorrect inanimate objects), attributing to them traits with are only found in living beings, such as "evil" or the ability to kill. Inanimate objects are only that, they cannot initiate actions on their own. It takes a human being to cause those evil acts to occur. To attribute such traits to firearms is irrational. As are those in the anti-gun movement.



Jul 9, 2009
[citation][nom]wiyosaya[/nom]My $0.02:Funny how articles like this always evolve into discussions about the constitutionality of guns in the US - which, IMHO, really translates into "how the US Supreme Court" has interpreted the second amendment to the US constitution over the years.Personally, I see "in the absence of a well-armed militia" as meaning that if the US had no well-armed militia - as it was in the days when the second amendment was written - that citizens should be allowed to keep and bear arms. However, I think this is rather outdated at this point as the US does have many "well-armed" militias ranging from local police forces to the US military. If no one was armed in the days the second amendment was written, perhaps the US would not exist as a country and would have been taken over by some other country. This is what I see the second amendment enabling - protection of the US in general in the absence of a "well-armed" militia.Anyone out there that thinks that the right of US citizens to bear arms means that the citizens could rise up in armed rebellion against the government is fooling themselves, IMHO. No average US citizen or group of average US citizens that own guns could remotely stand up against any of the government's armed groups in any meaningful manner. . . . [/citation]

Ummm . . . right Einstein, that's why Afghanistan is now a bastion of democracy and freedom in which people are able to walk around and enjoy western style freedoms and women no longer live in fear for their lives simply because they want an education . . . OH WAIT . . .THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. American troops are abandoning Afghanistan because it has proven to be IMPOSSIBLE to pacify the intransigent rebelling population, just as was proven decades before in Vietnam.

Thank-you for playing, please try again.

The clause "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state," is an exemplary clause, not a defining clause. The dominant clause of the Second Amendment is "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, SHALL [an imperative] NOT BE INFRINGED."

The dominant, defining clause contains no ambiguity as to the meaning of its authors, nor do any of their contemporary writings. You will find no examples of our Founding Fathers stating that the sole reason for an armed citizenry it to provide a militia. ON the other hand, you will find innumerable examples of their "singing the praises" of ownership of firearms. The intent behind the 2nd Amendment was never so that Joe Citizen could go hunting, nor even to provide him the ability for the defense of himself or his family, it was to insure that our government could never usurp our rights. Our government exists solely by the sufferance of the citizens it is supposed to be serving, not the other way around.

Please educate yourself.


Jan 7, 2013
Well i'm glad facebook at least serves some purpose. To help weed these idiots out of the human gene pool. Keep it up facebook!


Aug 1, 2011
[citation][nom]itzsnypah[/nom]Stop posting this cherry picked garbage. This is a tech site not a Tabloid.Somebody is going to cry gun control. This has nothing to do with that, only firearm education.I wouldn't mind basic firearm education being required learning in schools. If everybody knew the 10 rules of safe gun handling (http://nssf.org/safety/basics/) less tragic crap like this would happen.[/citation]
Firearm education is by logic, and should be by law, part of gun control. Same as with cars, if you can't prove to be able to safely operate it you do not deserve to own it.


Jan 26, 2013
You guys can go on an on about how stupid people kill and guns are not the cause. Guns are a danager with all the stupid people you got walking around America. it is so easy to kill multiple people with a gun. You take away guns (this cant be done with any law) but you dont get the same cowards strangling or beating people to death because they dont have the balls. Put a gun in someones hand and its asking for trouble. You Americans love to deny it but everyone having a gun is a bad thing. It is not a sign that your society is going in a better direction.


Jan 13, 2013
[citation][nom]righteousrami[/nom]You guys can go on an on about how stupid people kill and guns are not the cause. Guns are a danager with all the stupid people you got walking around America. it is so easy to kill multiple people with a gun. You take away guns (this cant be done with any law) but you dont get the same cowards strangling or beating people to death because they dont have the balls. Put a gun in someones hand and its asking for trouble. You Americans love to deny it but everyone having a gun is a bad thing. It is not a sign that your society is going in a better direction.[/citation]

Take away guns, nothing happens. As another commenter said, criminals are criminals by the definition of not obeying the law. Ban guns, people still get them illegally. Just like what they are doing in schools, hide in classrooms, lock doors, NO. If a criminal/madman wants in, he's getting in, regardless of locked doors. We need to think of better solutions.


Apr 2, 2010
this article is a complete waste of time.

catherine wtf does this have to do with toms and technology? seriously do iPhones come with built in point and shoot guns now?
that would make this news worthy of toms instead of say ABC CBS, FOX or NBC.

you don't post articles up about all the people with illegal drugs posting to facebook who die of drug overdoses. what about the people driving a loaded car while drunk and killing some one, are you going to report that too even if it's a 1940's jeep willys? maybe if the machines involved did it by voice control would i think this has any bearing on Tom's instead of 400+ year old techonology

this is not a social issues site, it's a tech site and there was nothing tech about this article.

quit Toms and go apply at yahoo or aol if you're going to post any more garbage like this again, take kevin and those other socialist communist propagandists with you also!


Apr 2, 2010
[citation][nom]catswold[/nom]Ummm . . . right Einstein, that's why Afghanistan is now a bastion of democracy and freedom in which people are able to walk around and enjoy western style freedoms and women no longer live in fear for their lives simply because they want an education . . . OH WAIT . . .THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. [/citation]

you're the chief leader in the clan of morons right?
you've just proven the fact that Guns in the hands of government have killed far more people than guns in the hands of citizens by a 1000:1 ratio.

and your logic is to disarm the citizenry, but not the government.

i also hope you're a communist or a socialist, because if you're an american i'm going to laugh in your face as i'm going to prove how dumb and wrong you are no matter what country or form of government you live.

like all revolutions in the last 300 years no government was formed with out using guns to throw off the previous government, the american revolution would never have happened with gun control, neither would the red revolution in russia or china. in fact before when there were no guns every one who wasn't a nobel was a serf and serfs were used like so much cannon fodder like the good little slaves they were.

what you're proposing is we go back to the leaders being in charge like nobels, unchecked power with no one to stop them from throwing your life away in what ever fashion THEY want, because you don't matter and get to do what YOU want serf/slave.

you're entire argument can be applied to matches and arson, cars and vehicular murder, lemmings and cliffs, stupid people and anything dangerous.

stupidity can't be prevented, that's communism if you even try.

prohibition would have prevented this right? because that was a law saying you weren't allowed to drink and therfore get drunk.

look how well prohibition worked, it created some of the most violent and deadly record breaking crime in it's short history. washington d.c. and chicago ban guns, guess what, they have the highest murder rates, most violent crime and most crime starting right after their gun control was put into effect. most of the murder stem from police weapons either committed by the police or criminals who stole the guns out of squad cars. seems to me the only people with guns in chicago and washington d.c. are the criminals and the cops who just protect the people of power or wealth, neither of which you and most of the people in this world have. by the way if you're an american, you are herby forbidden from calling 911 unless you ask for an unarmed police officer to come and save you or your family or friends from some gun/knife wielding criminal.

you completely miss the point of the american justice system our founding father specifically bound it to punishment for a proven misdeed/act and left the governance to each of us individually, not as a whole her that needs to be lorded over and controlled hitler mao and stalin style there mr king george.

the american founders did not give cart e blanche' to preemptively control every one. power was specifically enumerated into our governments hands as to what they were allowed to do and forbidden from the rest, hell the 2nd amendment even states " shall not be infringed" and numerous court rulings have declared any law that violated any of those rights was automatically null and void and no court was bound to enforce them. you can read about that in the 16th american jurisprudence.

the battles of lexington and conord started because the duke of wellington said to king george that the colonist could be better (ruthlessly) controlled if they had their guns removed from them. british were en route to find and destroy rumored weapons caches that a torys reported to british commanders.

gun control is the best way to start a revolution in america, talking about removing rights from citizens is also a leading cause in the american civil war.

be VERY CAREFUL what you are saying, it is defining which side you are on and the side with guns is very much against your side of unarmed pacifists. a great many americans who believe in guns and killing have become very skilled and highly trained at killing government forces and police, your only best hope of protection from some one who wants to remove your life, your property and that of your family's and any one else who witnesses. this is not a threat, this is a history lesson of what has already happened over and over and over. it is your only chance at learning from others past mistakes of facing an armed person who does not listen to laws forbidding them this or that.


Jan 25, 2012
Lets ban water!!! Seriously people drown each year as well as it can be poisoned making it a weapon that can kill massive amounts of people. And while we are at it lets ban spoons as they make people fat which makes them prone to all kinds of diseases killing millions each year.

Gun laws are like locks and serve only to stop honest criminals. And if you think banning guns will stop deaths and murders you are a special kind of stupid.

"We only wish to ban semi automatics!!!" That is just step 1. the next will be pump actions then lever actions then revolvers then bolt actions then single shots then finally muzzle loaders. When does it stop?

"Those who give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve ne neither liberty nor safety"

The constitution added guns as a right to protect your freedoms and yourself and your family friends and community. Back when it was added if you did not own a gun you did not eat. It was added as one of the most important rights second only to the freedom of speech. Which the freedom of speech is already severely damaged. Free speech zones any one?

If some one wants to kill one person or many there is no shortage in ways to do it. Banng guns because some one is shot by one is the equivalent to banning vehicles because of drunk drivers. The guns are not carrying themselves into these gun free areas and pulling the trigger. It is done by a coward who goes in to the gun free areas knowing some one else won't shoot back.

Never mind the fact that many of these shooters who do these mass shootings are on drugs that clearly say that some of the side effects are that they make you want to hurt others and yourself. Never mind that these drugs are being given to children and adults like crazy. None of that is important to know right?

Sorry for the long rant. But the stupidity of those who ask for more gun laws and regulations really is tough to understand. Governments kill far more people. Look up democide as well as the mass human experimentation our US government has done over the years. That alone should tell you why we need our right to keep and bear arms.


Jul 2, 2012
while in this specific case the only way to stop an unneeded (debatable) death was a removal of the gun, no amount of gun education can get through the drunken mind of an idiot, there have also been many times where the presence of a gun could also have stopped unneeded deaths. Banning Hi-Cap magazines will not lower the number of people killed in mass murders, as an example many 9mm handguns have a capacity of more then 10 rounds standard, with out extending beyond the hand-grip, but a 9mm is fairly weak and it takes 2-3 bullets to stop a person; a .45 cal 1911 holds 8 rounds standard, and a .50 DE holds 7-8 rounds standard, both have much more stopping power then a 9mm and it only takes 1-2 bullets to stop a person, by banning Hi-Cap magazines people would be pushed to more powerful guns and can actually kill more people in less time.


Dec 1, 2007
"The gun was loaded and went off"
Guns don't just "go off," that idiot pulled the trigger. She may not have MEANT to pull it, but the trigger was pulled.


Oct 19, 2007
Well... i Guess if i lived in a country where everyone is allowed to have a gun, id Have one as well.
However, most people are not capable of handling the responsability of having a gun.
Luckly i Live in Europe where you dont get to ahve a gun just becouse you want to.
I can perfectly understand that USA wants to produce Guns becouse its a market to them, but...
If you ahve a country scared all the time of crime, terrorists, and god knows what, and then you give them guns... well people WILL shoot each other. Its rather simple to see.

I wonder what sort of government would want that...


Apr 30, 2008
Waa waa. I want my pow pow. Stop sayin' bad about gun. Dummies with guns get shot. If you stop dummies you only have gun accidents, not gun dum things.


Jun 16, 2007
how do you not know if a gun is loaded or not, it it the first thing you check before handling or holstering it. last thing you want is to have your gun not loaded when when you leave the home.

Ignore the crap about always assume a gun is loaded. always check if it is loaded if you do not remember 100% if it is loaded or not. Also if you are not ready to shoot someone and you have your finger on the trigger, then any facebook photo with the gun held that way will make you look even more stupid

PS if you are not in a home with small kids, always assume the gun is loaded because it must always be loaded. An unloaded gun doesn't do much if if you wake up at night to the sound of a break-in. Especially if you want to remain quiet and sneak up and take them out before that have a chance to harm you or your family.
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