Teenage Boy Murders Mother Over PlayStation

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Nov 11, 2010
There's a lot of sick, sick people out there. Goddamn. I could never even raise a FIST at my mother let alone even think about attacking her in her sleep. That boy was clearly a very VERY disturbed individual.

He did that to his mother... his own mother, who held him in her womb for nine months. Imagine what he would've done to his sister or even his wife (if he ever managed to get one). It's not the mother's fault, and how could you even say that? Obviously she had quality disciplinary measures if she took his PS3 away after an argument.

Also... This is nothing to joke about. This is ******* sick.


Dec 1, 2007
"Interesting comments, but i my bet is on the following: the kid was on a antidepressants, and yes, the mother's raising method is also to be blamed."

Ugh... the finger pointing will never end. Could it be that the kid was either mentally unstable or was brought up in an environment that seemed to support these actions? The parents aren't the only ones to blame in this situation. There are too many factors to even list, but here's a few...

Bad parenting, a traumatic experience early in life, outcast from societal circles (school for kids seems like the entire world), heavy drugs/alcohol amongst friends or family, violent neighborhood and/or friend, etc.

Honestly, I've seen plenty of nice, nurturing mothers give birth to absolute terrors. You can't simply pin this on a single entity in his life. The only thing we can do is PUNISH THE ONE WHO COMMITTED MURDER!!!!

Anything more is excessive and unnecessary.


Dec 1, 2007
[citation][nom]bearclaw99[/nom]Jeeeez...You'd thinking that just searching for it and taking it back would have been a better alternative.[/citation]

You have a point. I mean... she was asleep after all. Hell, why not just run away if he thought it was so bad. It's crazy how many alternatives there were in this situation. How did he go from an argument, skip all logical/legal alternatives and go straight to a claw hammer and oven conclusion?


May 12, 2010
who would kill over a PS3? thats just wrong, now a PC on the other hand....... nah im just kidding

But that kid has obviously had some serious anger issues his whole life to do something this disgusting.


Dec 1, 2007
[citation][nom]culturedmofo[/nom]Only in America (and maybe South Korea). You are the products of a society that only want you to consume, so stop trying to think and keep eating. The rest of the world find you all very funny.[/citation]

I'm assuming that you don't live in America, yet you're English is impeccable. I doubt you're from Australia considering it's pretty much just as bad as the US from a consumer standpoint, and Aussies tend to be more ambiguous about America. That leaves the unlikely country of Germany and the highly likely UK... possibly an emo from the US.

I guess it's boils down to an elitist from the UK or a self loathing emo who thinks he doesn't contribute to the problems around him. Either way, I don't appreciate the slander.


Aug 16, 2010
[citation][nom]knekker[/nom]#Scook9Your so right, if you had better parenting you should know better and not make such insanely stupid post acusing the mother of being responsible for him having psychophysical tendencies, resulting in killing people whenever he doesn't get his way.Your the same type of people who believes video games can actually make any people kill others. The truth is some people are like ticking bombs, if they don't kill some one because of video games, or because their video game got taken away from them, they kill some one because someone took his candy, and wouldn't give it back.This kid was already a psychopath before his playstation got taken away from him, you cannot blame bad parenting, when he's mentally retarded.It is allowed to use your common sense, before posting you know, sigh...[/citation]

I do blame bad parenting and the society. If both would abide by God's ways of doing things. Stuff like this wouldn't happen. But I already know that is going to spawn a mega flame, so let me make this point.

The kid would not regret what he did if he was a psychopath. And I am sure the feelings he has now are killing him inside for what he has done. He made a really dumb decision as humans, and young people more-so, tend to do and now he is paying for it.


Sep 20, 2007
I would like to make note that he did get several achievements on a few games after the murder thus making his life complete due to his achievements so he had a good run. I'm sure he will be the envy of the prison.


Jul 14, 2006
[citation][nom]anacandor[/nom]Maybe this just proves that video games promote violence...[/citation]
Same BS argument again and again.
If you give game tool to someone with psychopatic/violent problems and he harm/kill someone its not fault of the tool. Its same as giving someone hammer, its tool as any other and if someone use it to harm, its usually mentality problem.



Jul 14, 2006
[citation][nom]graphicsgriffin[/nom]I am a 31 old gamer. I have been playing PC games for the last 20 years. I like all types of games including violent games. I killed and slaughtered thousands of enemies over these years. I like games like Gears of War, it's so bloody and all. But that would never make me kill anyone. Believe it or not, I cannot even agree on killing an ant, or hurt a bird, really, not joking. I think games should not be blamed, but still they affect in some way.[/citation]
Exactly, also for many people games are what keep them cool down.
Sometime, when whole world keep falling on you again and again, it keep increasing your anger, but normal person would vent it harmless way, spent some time with people you love to change your thoughts or play some action not necessary violent game, but it wont hurt.

It working well for me and probably many many others, if some don't have self control or ignore your anger for long time, it could blow one day, and its not a thing that do it fault, its just trigger and it can be anything.


Aug 4, 2008
Hemburger said:
Stop generalizing
I'm not generalizing, my conclusion are based on what the boy did to his mom.No matter how bad parenting he was given, you don't smash their head in while sleeping, then only to drag the half dead body into the oven to try and burn her to death. This kind of behavior screams of phychopath tendencies. The boy is ****** up, don't try blame his mother for that.[/citation]

Maybe the parents abused the kid, or someone else in the family did?

His quote that "my mom was the only one that cared for me" indicates that he didnt get care anywhere else, but maybe go abuse instead?

Yes beating his mum indicates psychopathic tendencies, but how did these tendencies come about? was he born with them? or did they come about due to a past history we know nothing about? did he see, during his childhood, his dad beating his mum ? was he beat himself?

I doubt it's a black and white picture......


May 12, 2009
Yes, i'm a teenager. I'm a gamer. But i would NEWER hurt my parets because of a game or if they took away my PC or something. A GAME!!.... What has he thought when he did that for Christ sake!! :(

And games are not promoving violence, it's up to the gamer to learn self-control. If he can't learn it, then he better not be a gamer or it would end up badly...........i've seen people wasting the most beautifull years of their life in front of the PC or consoles 24/7 playing games, and they'll probably be very mad if someone took their console or PC and they'll hurt him.


Dec 17, 2009
If the persons who commits those crimes don't know right from wrong its just a matter of time before something triggers the overreaction, this time it was some arguing that resulted in the kids console was taken away.

Who said it wasn't the argument itself or that the console was taken away? I bet no one will ever know the entire tragic story! I don't think game violence have any effect on normal sane persons at all, played tons in my younger years and so did my friends and we sure as hell didn't murder anyone for it!

Point - Games don't kill people, its the nutjob people who kills people. (Then it can be speculated if the mother was to blame for the kid becoming a nutjob or not but that answer will likely never come)
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