The $15,000 Toilets at Chelsea Clinton's Wedding

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[citation][nom]FLanighan[/nom]Who's Chelsea Clinton?[/citation]
thats exactly what i asked when someone asked me if i was gonna watch the big wedding.
Its a tragedy that I posted this at the wrong time but it will fair well enough.

I HATE celeb types like those two. The money spent on their cake is more than a lot of us down in the Southern US make in a year thanks to BP. I hate liberals, they are some of the worst hypocrites. They live high on the hog while they breathe down our thoughts to "share" what is there to share? Broke as it gets! Steal from the poor and give to the rich does the middle class.
[citation][nom]johnnieb[/nom]if they had spent it on africa they would have fed some people for a few weeks who would have then died.... doesnt seem so fruitfull to me[/citation]

No one really cares. They earned the money and they have the right to spend it however they wish.
[citation][nom]falchard[/nom]As a person who believes in honest virtues, how could the Clinton's afford to pay so much for 1 wedding? If you take into account both Clinton's salary from their Government Service Sector jobs, they should be in the poor house after this wedding. They certainly were not using their prominent positions as President, Governor, and Senator to make some illicit money.[/citation]

The President brings in a lot of money to just do a one hour speech. He can make anywhere from a few hundred thousand dollars to a cool million in one afternoon, just for talking.

They are also both lawyers, whom are well connected and have probably made wise investments while in the private sector.

There are so many rich politicians. In fact, most of them are rich when they start, and after they pretty much all become wealthy.
Had one if these trailers (made by Kohler) at work for about 6 months while the regular bathrooms were renovated. For port-a-potties they are pretty nice.
[citation][nom]Antimatter79[/nom]Why does some liberal always have to volunteer how rich people should have spent their own money? Ok, here's one...for the next liberal that makes a comment about how somebody should have given away their money to somebody else....If you had sold your computer and given the money to feed the homeless, starving, or just plain lazy people somewhere, you wouldn't be able to post those ignorant comments in the forum. A win-win in my book.[/citation]

The problem here is that the Clintons are liberals and are all for income seizure and redistribution by taxes, as well as pooh-poohing some obvious shows of wealth. But yet they go out and spend $5 million (or in other words, about 250 times more than the average person) on a wedding. They're hypocrites, and that's what tees people off. It's exactly like Al Gore going and telling people they are evil because they consume too much electricity, travel too much, and live in too large of a house- and try to legislate what he thinks we all should do, regardless of the sacrifices we have to endure to do so. Yet he lives in a 10,000+ square foot house, runs up $1000+ electric bills, and travels as much in a year as many of us do in an entire lifetime.
My rich uncle got remarried, to an even richer wife, and had these very same toilets. Only one trailer though. It was an outdoor wedding in July. Never do that! It's too hot to be outside, even under a tent. They were the best place to be because they were air conditioned.
First of all, $25,000.00 for a dress your hopefully going to wear only once... wow... just wow...

Secondly, who gives a crap about some stupid female getting married. I'm really sick and tired of listening to this garbage on TV. I want to hear some real friggin' news!!! Such as... i don't know... the economy perhaps...

On second thought, maybe this is about the economy. Showing us there are still jacka$$e$ out there willing to spend $15,000.00 on a toilet bowl, $25,000.00 on a wedding dress. Even though there are hundreds of people who are $500.00 away from losing there homes because they can't find a job...
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