The $15,000 Toilets at Chelsea Clinton's Wedding

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They had the money to afford this, but what gets me is women of regular means that spend obscene amounts of money of their weddings so they can be hot shot princesses for a day. Most new couples really could use all that wasted money...
[citation][nom]Antimatter79[/nom] wouldn't be able to post those ignorant comments in the forum.[/citation]

Pot, meet kettle.
[citation][nom]flatsix911[/nom]The wedding was short ... the Chelsea fugly is forever![/citation]

LOL! Yeah I gotta admit, Chelsea is no beauty queen, unless you like horse teeth smiling at you 😛. However her grown-up look is a vast improvement over what she looked like as a teenager in the White House.

I'd guess it was worth every penny of that $5 million for Bill & Hilary to find somebody to take her off their hands..
More BS and gossip news courtesy of your lovely Jane 😀

Get to work for real Jane.
Now every time I see President Clinton on TV asking people to donate their hard earned money to some disaster relief fund or other charity I will think of his wasting $5 million on a wedding ceremony.

Yes it is there money and they have a legal right to do with it as they wish. But that does not make it right.

I have never been able to understand how people who profess to be Christian can spend so much of their money on self-indulgences instead of helping the less fortunate. $5 million for a wedding has to rank near the top of self-indulgences.
Politics in this discussion are just plain irrelevant. Lots of people (of all political persuasions) spend way too much on weddings and the festivities associated with the event. Not a liberal or conservative thing.

The cool port-a-potties are what some of our forum members, those that are obviously full of poo, should be concentrating on (or in as the case may be).

Everything isn't about politics.
[citation][nom]jgiron[/nom]give me 10 minutes with that $15000 toilet and it'll be crap!(pun intended)[/citation]
Someone doesn't know how to poop without dirtying the toilet. 😀
[citation][nom]Antimatter79[/nom]Why does some liberal always have to volunteer how rich people should have spent their own money? Ok, here's one...for the next liberal that makes a comment about how somebody should have given away their money to somebody else....If you had sold your computer and given the money to feed the homeless, starving, or just plain lazy people somewhere, you wouldn't be able to post those ignorant comments in the forum. A win-win in my book.[/citation]

Ironic that you are painting someone trying to boss a liberal around as a liberal. Why do some conservatives have to complain about everyone that takes a bleeding-heart jab at excess, and then call them a liberal?
[citation][nom]nforce4max[/nom]Its a tragedy that I posted this at the wrong time but it will fair well enough. HATE celeb types like those two. The money spent on their cake is more than a lot of us down in the Southern US make in a year thanks to BP. I hate liberals, they are some of the worst hypocrites. They live high on the hog while they breathe down our thoughts to "share" what is there to share? Broke as it gets! Steal from the poor and give to the rich does the middle class.[/citation]

Are you asserting that liberals are rich? Because I'm pretty sure they hold that assumption of conservatives as well.
[citation][nom]joz[/nom]She married a jew, it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside[/citation]

Don't vote down joz. He'll make you eat your parents.
[citation][nom]doopydoo22[/nom]Are you asserting that liberals are rich? Because I'm pretty sure they hold that assumption of conservatives as well.[/citation]

There are basically three income classes of liberals: the very wealthy and often old-money elite who know better than everybody else and are the liberal politicians or their backers, the middle-class union workers who vote Democrat because their union reps say so, and poor people looking for a handout. There are some very wealthy conservatives for sure, but there are also a boatload of them who are not wealthy and simply are tired of supporting lazy freeloaders with their hard-earned money.
[citation][nom]ajcroteau[/nom]First of all, $25,000.00 for a dress your hopefully going to wear only once... wow... just wow...Secondly, who gives a crap about some stupid female getting married. I'm really sick and tired of listening to this garbage on TV. I want to hear some real friggin' news!!! Such as... i don't know... the economy perhaps...On second thought, maybe this is about the economy. Showing us there are still jacka$$e$ out there willing to spend $15,000.00 on a toilet bowl, $25,000.00 on a wedding dress. Even though there are hundreds of people who are $500.00 away from losing there homes because they can't find a job...[/citation]

Then again, they didn't burn $5 million worth of bills in a bon fire. This money went to caterers to provide food, a band to provide music, an emcee to announce the wedding, carpenters to set up the stage, electricians to run the cables, a bakery to do the cake, and hundreds of other vendors to work this event.

Maybe someone did get a job to pull through this month due to this wedding.

What would have happened if the Clintons donated $5 million to Africa and then have Chelsea marry in the courthouse with no reception?
Well one way they can afford a "big weding" is they do not pay for their mortgage. The tax payers do... They are a crafty couple. As a former president they have secret service for the rest of their lives. So being the blood suckers they are, they built a building for the secret service to stay on their property and charge a very large rent to the goverment for their housing. They use this to offset their mortgage. Pretty smart really. The clintons have always done shaddy pratices.... Its just in their nature I suppose.
[citation][nom]joebob2000[/nom]Ironic that you are painting someone trying to boss a liberal around as a liberal. Why do some conservatives have to complain about everyone that takes a bleeding-heart jab at excess, and then call them a liberal?[/citation]

Oh that's easy. Because liberals are the only ones that bedwet over others having more than someone else, supporting fascist politicians who want to take away from the haves and give to the have nots via ahole taxation policies, and finally, because limousine liberals like the Clintons (and Al Gore, John Kerry, John Edwards, etc.) are the biggest damned hypocrites on the planet. They call for taxing others who have "excess" yet themselves enjoy their own "excess" from POWER. That's pretty damned easy to figure out in my book - and no, for another mindless mouth breathing bedwetter comment here, it's not a "pop up" book.
Tom's, PLEASE don't start writing trash rag tabloid pieces. I always come here because there is a certain level of coolness and plain decency that can be counted on. Also, how did you come up with a $5 million dollar total? You made that crap up to throw some mud on these people. This family has done more good for the world than most, and Chelsea seems like a really decent person, more interested in good deeds than in the limelight (Unlike some I could mention). Stop being jealous and petty and go find a story that is up to the Toms' standards. If you need ideas, ask Chris Angelini; that man is top of the line in this business.
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