I will have to check out Synapse. But I must say that for me, Sony already had the killer VR app at launch for the PSVR2. When I purchased my PS5 it was bundled with Gran Turismo 7 and I played it for maybe 5 minutes. When I got the PSVR2 I only played Horizon Call of the Mountain for the first few weeks. I was still spending more time in my Quest 2. One thing I should mention is that I also have the Woojer Vest 3 which makes everything in VR a lot better. Well after I finished Horizon VR I finally decided to jump into GT7. Even though I have a great 144hz gaming monitor that delivers top performance for GT7's graphics. I have almost exclusively played my 50+ hours in GT7 in VR with my haptics vest. I also play with the Dual Sense Pro controller and use the added paddle buttons underneath for my gas and brake. I use the gyroscope mode for steering instead of the joysticks or D-pad. Being able to see the steering wheel when you move your hands is crucial to successful steering in the gyroscope mode because if you rotate too far it resets the steering. But the realism of the whole experience is worth the dip in graphics. But utilizing good headphones and the haptics vest, which has a built in headphones amp, makes a big difference. It is hands down the most in depth VR game across any platform. I know it is a couple years old, but for me it might as well be brand new because nothing can match it with how amazing of a VR experience it provides. For 2 years I have primarily played VR games and this is the killer one that gives me hope we see more developers of top titles for the PS5 make the entire experience playable in VR.