Thiefs stolle my iMac

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Jul 6, 2012

My iMac and my macbook pro were stollen few days ago, they are password protected, can the thiefs break the password? Can I track them without being online? My macbook has enough baterry and is on sleep, it was not turned off. Please help me!
Unless you installed some sort of tracking software like Find My Mac, don't think there's much you can do. Best thing you can do is file a report with the police.
Sorry to hear about your theft.
It it possible to track/recover but alot depends on what software/features you have activated and that the thief dosen't notice till too late. If you do have specialised 3rd party tracking features then contact the company involved fast.

Of course, you'll have contacted the police, etc - they might help you (long shot, though). Are you covered by insurance? Do you have backups of both machines?

They might not need to break any password to use them (e.g. format).

I remember recently about the stolen iphone story on a cruise ship - the owner had the photo stream feature on, the thief didn't notice and all his 'victory' photos (including mug shots!) were uploaded automatically to the owner, who quickly contacted the police & ship owner. Hope you have the same success!
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