Tivo DVD-R resolution poor vs sony DVD-R.



Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

I recently bought a Toshiba Tivo with a DVD recorder. The main reason I
bought this unit is to transfer my 8mm video home movies to DVD. With
this unit you first transfer it to the hard drive then to a DVD-R. As I
was transfering I noticed that the picture was somewhat grainy so I
bought a Sony DVD recorder just to see if I would get the same result by
transfering the tapes directly to the DVD-R. So I plugged my camcorder
into the Sony and the transfer came out crystal clear. Also tv programs
come out way clearer on a DVD-RW on the Sony than on the Tivo harddrive.
(Both were recorded in HQ)!
I also noticed when I Tivoed the Grammys in HQ, they still had a lot of
pixalation especially when ever there was stobe lights.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 22:54:39 -0700, lolajoker@webtv.net wrote:

>I recently bought a Toshiba Tivo with a DVD recorder. The main reason I
>bought this unit is to transfer my 8mm video home movies to DVD. With
>this unit you first transfer it to the hard drive then to a DVD-R. As I
>was transfering I noticed that the picture was somewhat grainy so I
>bought a Sony DVD recorder just to see if I would get the same result by
>transfering the tapes directly to the DVD-R. So I plugged my camcorder
>into the Sony and the transfer came out crystal clear. Also tv programs
>come out way clearer on a DVD-RW on the Sony than on the Tivo harddrive.
>(Both were recorded in HQ)!
>I also noticed when I Tivoed the Grammys in HQ, they still had a lot of
>pixalation especially when ever there was stobe lights.

What model Sony did you buy?

Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 22:46:14 -0700, lolajoker@webtv.net wrote:

>I have the Toshiba RS-TX20 and a Sony

I'm looking at the RDR-VX500.

How do you like it?

Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.tivo (More info?)

It works pretty good and it is easy to use but the main thing is that
the DVD recording has so much better resolution than the Tivo hard