Toshiba l350-20g


Jul 20, 2011
Hi there, first post on any computing site so be gentle ^_^

Having just finished a few days of upgrades to a friend's laptop (an older dell vostro) and being spurred on by both the fact i managed a laptop cpu upgrade and the generosity of said friend who has given me her old ssd for free for helping I'm going to begin an overhaul of my toshiba l350-20g starting with the ssd then cpu, memory and finally os.

What i'm having slight trouble with is finding the best processor that can be fed into this aging beestie. Having done a little search around i found out it uses the PPGA478 socket and is currently equiped with a t1600. However having mostly built desktops (and used alot of prebundled motherboard+cpu packages) I find I'm i'll equiped to work out what my top choice would be.

Before anyone suggests buying something new I'd rather upgrade, I have to admit to being one of those hippy types who prefers upgrading to new simply for my carbon footprint; that and my last boyfriend airbrushed the entire case for me and I'm very fond of it. Sad and not very techlike I know. However the long and short is I'd rather pay over the odds for a minimal increase than buy new.

So I guess my question is either what is the top PPGA478 processor and/or what factor other than socket should i be looking into to decide what cpu to get eg wattage? FSB speed? etc.

Also as if i am not mistaken the FSB speed is what limits ones ram speed possibilities, could i install a cpu with faster FSB to get faster ram?

Thank you very much in advance for any help and advice you can give, it's greatly appreciated as I am very lost.


-intel website - according to this, highest best that will support this socket is code 2 duo T9500

hope that helps.

Regarding ram to FSB, you can get CPU with faster FSB, and then faster ram yes. But the problem is you are still limited by what the socket can support (800 fsb in case with your socket and that's what T9500 has too).