Hello I've recently purchased a Toshiba Qosmio X505 from my local pawn shop for 120 bucks. The only problem is that the GTX 460M is kinda lack luster only performing about 30 fps on low in Fallout 4, Pubg, And Rainbow Six Siege. Its really boring an annoying compared to my RX 480 that performs way better than this card. So I was wondering if I can get a Express Card EGPUU solution for this thing as I have an old HD 6870 that would perform way better than this card could ever dream. I understand that I would need an extra power supply for this thing and this Giant Behemoth of a Laptop would never be portable again as this thing is will be completely grounded to a table. So another question would be is Can I disconnect the egpu cable and use it without it. I under stand again that using this solution will lower performance in this little 6870. I'm planning this give this Laptop to my little cousin who is getting into pc gaming coming from a PS2 so I think he needs a little upgrade.