Toshiba satellite Laptop won't start after restart and goes to blue screen

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Jun 26, 2017
When i power on my laptop i get the toshiba leading innovation screen, then shortly after i get the blue screen stating: Your pc ran into problems. I force shutdown by the power button and restarts. It goes to the Toshiba innovation screen then says Preparing Automatic Repair. This happened two days ago and after Preparing Automatic Repair is went to Automatic Repair and gave me options to Restore to a set point, troubleshoot and Advanced Options plus others. Now it won't go pass Preparing Automatic jus does that and then goes to a dark screen.
if you can get into the bios (f2 during the logo splash) reset the bios options to default. there is usually a button or a f-key option.
if you get no joy, pull the battery and power cord, and then push and hold the power button for 30 seconds. this will drain
the cmos battery and dump all the custom settings in the bios (including date and time). if the system boots, remember to
manually check the system date and time so that your browsers don't reject all pages.

if neither of these work, try to power up without the battery attached. if that doesn't work, see if someone has a working Linux
live usb distro. if that boots, your hard drive is probably the problem. if it doesn't boot, then probably the memory or the mobo is
at fault.
if you can get into the bios (f2 during the logo splash) reset the bios options to default. there is usually a button or a f-key option.
if you get no joy, pull the battery and power cord, and then push and hold the power button for 30 seconds. this will drain
the cmos battery and dump all the custom settings in the bios (including date and time). if the system boots, remember to
manually check the system date and time so that your browsers don't reject all pages.

if neither of these work, try to power up without the battery attached. if that doesn't work, see if someone has a working Linux
live usb distro. if that boots, your hard drive is probably the problem. if it doesn't boot, then probably the memory or the mobo is
at fault.
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