Toshiba wont turnon


Oct 4, 2016
I have a Toshiba Satellite C55 computer. Not too long ago I did a reset on it because it was running slow. I had done resets before with no problems. I went to general settings-->reset-->delete all files. When the reset reached about 50% it gave me an error message saying that the reset couldn't complete, and had a box to stop the reset. After clicking that box the computer shut down. So I turned it back on and while it was booting up, the fans turned on and I got the usual Toshiba title screen. The only thing missing from it was the loading circle. After About 2 seconds of the fans running they stop. I sit at the Toshiba title screen for about 3 more seconds, then it turns off and repeats the process endlessly. I tried to do a battery drain by removing the battery and plugging in only my ac adapter, and this gave me some sort of set up screen where I get to set date/time and battery preferences. After I saved and exited from the setup the computer once again started the endless cycle of turning of and on again. If anyone has any solutions I would very much like to see them. I tried researching the problem but all I found were the battery reset solutions and other laptop models that were not mine.
Trying hitting F12 at star up and see what boot options it gives you. Its possible that the boot loader on the HDD could have been erased. Should also give you a HDD recovery option.
Nvm I got it to work but what do I do from this screen
It tells me my HDD/SSD model then has USB, then ODD, and finally LAN, but all those are blank.
My final 2 options are enter setup and HDD recovery
What will I need for an HDD recovery? The options given are:
Continue(which obviously won't work)
Turn off pc(same as continue)
Use a device