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Predicted that manufacturers would strip out all tuners to bypass the
FCC tuner mandate. Now as deadlines approach it seems they are doing
just that. Next they will start advertising the price differential and
touting the fact that most consumers do not need any tuner in their
display device. I think educated consumers will buy such tunerless
displays. I sure wouldn't want to waste money on a tuner if I am a cable
or satellite customer and if I was using OTA I would want a separate
tuner also with better tuners in the offing. Always in the offing.
The mandate is dead IMO.
Bob Miller
Tuning stripped out of rear projection CRT TVs
By Dennis P. Barker
At the recent Toshiba product line show, which was held in the outskirts
of Albuquerque, NM at the luxurious Hyatt Tamaya resort on May 19th, the
company unveiled their first rear projection CRT monitors capable of
displaying high-definition TV signals. The set sets in the new Custom
SeriesHD Series include no tuning whatsoever, and will reply on the
consumer of adding a separate HD Satellite and HD Cable Box.
To this reporter, it was seemingly a bold move. However, it was later
found out that by eliminating all tuning, the sets bypassed the FCC
tuner mandate for all TVs 36-in. and above, which goes into effect on
July 1st. And, as a bonus, the company will be able to offer the sets at
much lower prices. The 57-in. widescreen model " 57HC85 " is priced at
$1,599.99 (list), which means that it will sell for about $1,300-$1,400
(street). Toshiba will also offer a 51-in. model (51HC85 @ $1,399.99 list).
Both models will include PowerFocus HD CRTs, and the PowerFocusHD lens
system along with their TheaterShield acrylic panel. Integrated features
include: CrystalScan HDSC video processing, dynamic quadruple focus,
DFine hi-speed velocity scan modulation, CableClear digital noise
reduction, and split screen POP (with external tuners). The sets will
include SRS WOW sound along with HDMI digital video input and an
illuminated universal remote.
Surprisingly, at presstime, in a conversation with an official from RCA,
it was mentioned that RCA will also be offering tuner less rear
projection CRT monitors. Presumably, it was learned that since these
type of sets have been offered to the public for so long, they are a lot
less expensive to produce, and offer the consumer good value. It was
pointed out that CRT still maintains excellent image quality over all of
the flat-panel TVs and micro-displays. So, the notion of a tuner less
rear projection CRT is not the brainstorm of one single company, but
could be start of a trend among all producers of rear projection CRTs
for the U.S. market.
Predicted that manufacturers would strip out all tuners to bypass the
FCC tuner mandate. Now as deadlines approach it seems they are doing
just that. Next they will start advertising the price differential and
touting the fact that most consumers do not need any tuner in their
display device. I think educated consumers will buy such tunerless
displays. I sure wouldn't want to waste money on a tuner if I am a cable
or satellite customer and if I was using OTA I would want a separate
tuner also with better tuners in the offing. Always in the offing.
The mandate is dead IMO.
Bob Miller
Tuning stripped out of rear projection CRT TVs
By Dennis P. Barker
At the recent Toshiba product line show, which was held in the outskirts
of Albuquerque, NM at the luxurious Hyatt Tamaya resort on May 19th, the
company unveiled their first rear projection CRT monitors capable of
displaying high-definition TV signals. The set sets in the new Custom
SeriesHD Series include no tuning whatsoever, and will reply on the
consumer of adding a separate HD Satellite and HD Cable Box.
To this reporter, it was seemingly a bold move. However, it was later
found out that by eliminating all tuning, the sets bypassed the FCC
tuner mandate for all TVs 36-in. and above, which goes into effect on
July 1st. And, as a bonus, the company will be able to offer the sets at
much lower prices. The 57-in. widescreen model " 57HC85 " is priced at
$1,599.99 (list), which means that it will sell for about $1,300-$1,400
(street). Toshiba will also offer a 51-in. model (51HC85 @ $1,399.99 list).
Both models will include PowerFocus HD CRTs, and the PowerFocusHD lens
system along with their TheaterShield acrylic panel. Integrated features
include: CrystalScan HDSC video processing, dynamic quadruple focus,
DFine hi-speed velocity scan modulation, CableClear digital noise
reduction, and split screen POP (with external tuners). The sets will
include SRS WOW sound along with HDMI digital video input and an
illuminated universal remote.
Surprisingly, at presstime, in a conversation with an official from RCA,
it was mentioned that RCA will also be offering tuner less rear
projection CRT monitors. Presumably, it was learned that since these
type of sets have been offered to the public for so long, they are a lot
less expensive to produce, and offer the consumer good value. It was
pointed out that CRT still maintains excellent image quality over all of
the flat-panel TVs and micro-displays. So, the notion of a tuner less
rear projection CRT is not the brainstorm of one single company, but
could be start of a trend among all producers of rear projection CRTs
for the U.S. market.