Turbografx reference in Homestar Runner!



Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

I guess the caption says it all. I was watching the Teen Girl Squad cartoon
they had and Strongbad was complaining about Babbages not having Turbografx
games. Hehehe. It's a rarity for people to mention something classic like
that. Oh well.



Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

"Mojo JoJo" <jf2273nospam@earthlink.net> wrote in

> I guess the caption says it all. I was watching the Teen Girl Squad
> cartoon they had and Strongbad was complaining about Babbages not
> having Turbografx games. Hehehe. It's a rarity for people to mention
> something classic like that. Oh well.

You'll find a lot of such references in Homestar Runner. Strong Bad
himself is a classic character, from a very bad NES game called Tag Team
Pro Wrestling.

You may also wish to check out the following web comics:



Aaron J. Bossig



Archived from groups: rec.games.video.classic (More info?)

"Aaron J. Bossig" <linkvb06@SpammersWillBeExecuted.ptd.net> writes:

>>I guess the caption says it all. I was watching the Teen Girl Squad
>>cartoon they had and Strongbad was complaining about Babbages not
>>having Turbografx games. Hehehe. It's a rarity for people to mention
>>something classic like that. Oh well.

>You'll find a lot of such references in Homestar Runner. Strong Bad
>himself is a classic character, from a very bad NES game called Tag Team
>Pro Wrestling.

Operation Tire has a C64 loading screen, and until Strong Bad got his
Lappy 486, the screen font was also a Commodore font. This font was
actually used in a lot of the other mini-games too.

The Stinkoman 20X6 game seems to be modeled on SNES titles. They also
have a QuickTime video of an early Homestar animation with Mario Paint.

Cameron Kaiser * ckaiser@floodgap.com * posting with a Commodore 128
personal page: http://www.armory.com/%7Espectre/
** Computer Workshops: games, productivity software and more for C64/128! **
** http://www.armory.com/%7Espectre/cwi/ **