Ultra noobie!


Oct 13, 2002
Hey guys,
This is the first time that i've entered this forum and i just read all the talk about UD and stuff. Whats UD??? and whats this forum about anyway i thought it was just about sharing small utilities so never bothered to take a look. Thanx

<b><font color=blue>Saddam: "Dude where's my army!?!?!.</b></font color=blue>
You need to look at these:

<A HREF="http://www.grid.org" target="_new">Grid.org (formerly UD)</A>
<A HREF="http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu" target="_new">SETI@home</A>
<A HREF="http://folding.stanford.edu" target="_new">Folding@home</A>
<A HREF="http://www.distributed.net/" target="_new">Distributed.net</A>

There are some others lurking around as well

Basically, each of the sites break down huge computational tasks into chunks that can be downloaded onto & processed on individual PC's during your idle CPU cycles (with no real impact on your system), giving the effect of a huge multiprocessor system. You'll get more info from the sites.

Welcome to the world of charity crunching!

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Luck is my middle name. Unfortunately, my first name is Bad.
Yea thanx i downloaded the software for both seti and ud but whats the team concept in it and how can i join the thg team?

<b><font color=blue>Saddam: "Dude where's my army!?!?!.</b></font color=blue>
The UD link for the THG team is <A HREF="http://www.grid.org/services/teams/team.htm?id=510E6639-84A1-465D-A914-07BDB039E379" target="_new">http://www.grid.org/services/teams/team.htm?id=510E6639-84A1-465D-A914-07BDB039E379</A>

Anyone else got the SETI details?

The concept is just another dimension to the stats competition i.e. team against team & team member against team member. No benefit to the project over just staying independant.

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Luck is my middle name. Unfortunately, my first name is Bad.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by mccoll1ns on 04/11/03 04:32 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
All the team does is group units together for scoring purposes. If I do 500 units, and you do 500 units and we're not on a team, we each get credit for 500 units individually. If we're on a team together, I get credit for 500 personally, you get credit for 500 personally, and our team gets 1000.

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
Are you sure this isnt somekinda spy ware or something?
How do i get into the seti team?

<b><font color=blue>Go "love" yourself :wink: </b></font color=blue>
Yeah. No spyware or anything. It's cool.

<A HREF="http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/fcgi-bin/fcgi?cmd=team_lookup&name=Tom's Hardware Guide" target="_new">Here</A> is the url to Tom's seti team. Click the join link.

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
Hi Jay;
Both programs SETT and UD now called Grid.org supply software that runs in the background using the power of your computer when you don't. They don't both work on the same PC. You will want read up on them and choose one.

There is no need to turn it off the software. It turns dormant when you use your PC for anything and then picks up the CPU clock cycles that you don't use. I do not experience any stall when surfing or running Office97 and the software at the same time.

If you choose to join the cancer research effort, <A HREF="http://www.grid.org/download/gold/download.htm" target="_new">Download and install this software</A>. Registration is simple. Create a UserID and password. Please write them down. You will want them to check your stats in the future and in order to join the team by clicking the link in my sig.
Teams are a way to compete for bragging rights. I have turned in over 1100 results called Work Units and earned over a quarter million points.

I have a strong preference for the UD/Grid.org cancer research.
<A HREF="http://forum.ud.com/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=22;t=000063" target="_new">How to change to a single project.</A> I chose to Simply uncheck PatriotGrid running the Smallpox Research Grid Project.

Questions? Please ask.

Every working computer must be improved .... or replaced ...

<A HREF="http://www.grid.org/services/teams/team.htm?id=510E6639-84A1-465D-A914-07BDB039E379" target="_new">Join the THG Team.</A>
It's been a while since i posted this. But i am running SETI and UD simultaneously!?!!?! The thing about them using only the free cycles is cool but my proc like runs at max temp when running both of them. Oh BTW how do i keep track of my performance in both?

<b><font color=blue>Algebra was easy for the Romans because "X" was always 10 :lol: </b></font color=blue>
<font color=red>Jay Kay</font color=red>
Bring up your task manager (if running XP/2k) and see which of them is getting your cpu time. I tried running both and UD totally took over my idle time from SETI so that SETI wasn't getting any cycles at all. Chances are this is also what's happening with you.

Progress for SETI can be viewed by a huge number of programs. I like setispy myself (google for a link).

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
Your report that UD/Grid.org is taking more clock cycles than SETI is intersting since most of the reports that I have seen until now were the opposite. I'm not challenging your report. I just find it interesting.

Generally speaking, I usually recommend not running both together since both strive to utilize clock cycles that would normally be unused by whatever else you are doing.

Every working computer must be improved .... or replaced ...

<A HREF="http://www.grid.org/services/teams/team.htm?id=510E6639-84A1-465D-A914-07BDB039E379" target="_new">Join the THG Team.</A>
Welcome Jay;
This forum section of <b>Tom's Hardware</b> is where we share comments about different programs that use spare unused PC power ... the inactive portion of your computer's available CPU capacity.
<A HREF="http://library.thinkquest.org/C007645/english/0-definition.htm" target="_new">What is Distributed Computing?</A>
<A HREF="http://www.aspenleaf.com/distributed/" target="_new">Broad view of avaiable Internet-based Distributed Computing Projects</A>
<b>mccoll1ns</b> gave you four good examples. As you can see from the other replies different folks have different preferences for what they decide to do with their spare unused PC power.

I choose to <A HREF="http://www.grid.org/download/gold/download.htm" target="_new">Download the UD Agent</A>, install it and run it. <A HREF="http://www.grid.org/projects/cancer/faq.htm" target="_new">Great explaination of one Cancer Research project</A>. The same concept is available for <A HREF="http://www.grid.org/projects/smallpox/" target="_new"> Patriot Grid</A> research to limit the risk of terrorists use of Smallpox as a weapon of bioterror. Both use the same software, but you still have a choice to do one or the other or both. I choose to dedicate my spare unused PC power to cancer research.
One of the reasons was the great <A HREF="http://forum.ud.com/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?category=1" target="_new">forum support</A> for the software and related projects.

Every working computer must be improved .... or replaced ...

<A HREF="http://www.grid.org/services/teams/team.htm?id=510E6639-84A1-465D-A914-07BDB039E379" target="_new">Join the THG Team.</A>
I'm sorry about the double post. I missed my earlier post in this thread.

Yes, full use of your CPU will cause an increase in heat.

You can track your Grid.org results a couple of ways.

Double click the blue pill icon in the lower right. That will show you the CPU Time and total points earned in the the upper right of that screen. In the lower right, you can see a rating compared to a specific PC setup.

<A HREF="http://www.grid.org/stats/members/compare.htm" target="_new">You can compare your standing to anybody else if you know their userid.</A>

IF you joined the <A HREF="http://www.grid.org/services/teams/team.htm?id=510E6639-84A1-465D-A914-07BDB039E379" target="_new">Tom's Hardware Guide Team</A>, you can <A HREF="http://www.grid.org/services/teams/team_members.htm?id=510E6639-84A1-465D-A914-07BDB039E379&ord=STATUS&rsps=250" target="_new">compare your standings in the THG Team</A>.

Every working computer must be improved .... or replaced ...

<A HREF="http://www.grid.org/services/teams/team.htm?id=510E6639-84A1-465D-A914-07BDB039E379" target="_new">Join the THG Team.</A>
Alls I can speak for is my own experience. When I tried running both of them, UD took all my spare cycles and let SETI sit and do nothing...

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
Of course you can run both clients simultaneously, though one (UD) will win out over the other because of it's default process priority. I think UD is set to "lowest" while seti is set to "idle". Either way, you're not going to contribute to either program by as much if you splice your CPUs time up, so stick with one and get into it. I'm number 2 on THG's team, and i have several machines dedicated to UD. I ran seti for years, but i think a more important short term goal is cancer research. It doesn't matter if you're number one, or number fifty - you're still doing your part to aid in public health. But, i will take that number one spot 😛