Upgrading old SSD to samsung evo 850


Mar 11, 2017
My current SSD is running out of space and been trying to get this particular question answered, but havent gotten a response so I thought I'd give it a try here. I currently have 2 extra msata slots and want to upgrade my current ssd to the samsung evo 850 1TB ssd. My main question is would I need an msata to sata usb adapter to be able to clone my os and data from my current ssd to the evo or can I just use one of the empty slots to do so? Also, does anyone know if samsung migrate clone OS?
Hello Meanmachine!
Thanks for the answer! I guess I wasnt specific on my question. I'm going to get a msata samsung evo ssd and clone my current msata ssd onto the evo. Is it basically the same as how you cloned your os from HDD to samsung?

Sorry for the misunderstanding ryu4fly. I can't answer that as Iv'e never had an mSATA drive and thought they were only for Laptops. I don't see why it would be different mSATA to mSATA although you would need an adapter going from mSATA to SSD or HDD.
There is a Western Digital guy Boogieman_WD regularly on the Forum. Shoot him and email for a positive answer.