USB flash drive


Apr 30, 2016
I own an Onkyo TX-DS484 home audio system on which I would like to play music flash drives. The Onkyo is old but very good. But it has no aux port on the front or anywhere else. Is there an external adapter or some such that will solve my problem?
Your receiver has plenty of audio inputs on the back, according to the manual. There are plenty of digital media players for less than $50 which can get you both audio and video streaming. Be careful, though, with video outputs - your Onkyo does not have HDMI processing.

For audio only - there are almost no products anymore. I would rather invest in bluetoth receiver (there are models with optical out) and stream your tunes from your laptop / phone.
Thanks much for your very prompt reply. I also looked in the manual, then at the back of the receiver. Indeed there are plenty of jacks on the back of the unit. I just don't know which one(s) I should use. You are using some terms with which I am only vaguely familiar. So I need more detailed guidance. My operating system on my computer is also Windows 7. I downloaded a program that enabled me to rip hundreds of songs then transferred them to flash drives. I am able to play that music on my truck radio and in my RV because both of those audio systems have USB ports right in the front of them.

I have done a ton of internet research and have found a Boss Audio MUSB35. There are a number of internet sites from which it could be purchased. It is a universal USB/3.5mm Auxiliary Interface. It has three wires. It has two RCA type plugs on the ends of two of them and a third connector on the third wire. All three wires are connected at the other end to a USB (female) port. I am wondering if the two RCA type ends would plug into the back on my Onkyo and serve my purpose. Oh, and by the way, there is a phones jack on the front of the Onkyo. Any thoughts?
Two more things: 1. There are two designated CD ports in the lower left corner of the back of the Onkyo. One is red and the other white. I am hesitant to do it because I do not want to damage the Onkyo, but I wonder what might happen if I were to plug the Boss Audio MUSB35 (mentioned earlier) into those ports? 2. I currently have attached to the Onkyo an Optimus multi CD player. The Optimus accepts and plays 6 CD magazine cartridges. What would happen if I were to disconnect the Optimus and use those jacks for the Boss Audio MUSB35?
I cannot figure out how exactly this Boss MMSUB35 works, and I cannot give you advice on that. I would err on side that it will not work - I see no way for you to select eg which track to play.

You can use any RCA red/white input on your Onkyo, and connect there eg your phone (with using 3.5mm-to-RCA cable) to either CD or Tape input on the receiver. A media player with RCA or 3.5mm output would fit as well, but again - I cannot recommend anyone good for audio only.
Hello again, Alabalcho. It has been a while since our last communication. My fault. But I have continued to try to find some resolution to my problem as presented in earlier exchanges. I sent an email to Boss Audio asking about the MUSB35. They wrote back and asserted that the MUSB35 is an extension only; that it would not work.

I am old school in that I do not have a mobile phone. By choice. Too vulnerable to scams, pirating, identity theft, pfishing, etc.

Anyway, here is where I am at present. I have exhausted all your suggestions, even finding an audio player. But it is too limiting in that it has just two output ports.

My 5.1 system was hardwired when my house was built. I have speakers in my living room and a second set in my computer room/study. On the front of my old Onkyo there is a switch that allows me to play my music either in the living room (speakers A) or in the study (speakers B). And I have another switching device that will permit me to switch to the patio after I have selected speakers B on the Onkyo.

I have been all over the internet trying to find a system like the Onkyo I have with the one added feature: a USB2 port on the front so that I can simply plug in one of my several flash drives that I have catalogued by genre and just let it run without having to go back and change CDs, etc. Because my house is wired for 5.1 buying a 7.2 receiver would be a waste of money. I have also learned that some receivers that might work require that the second set of speakers by powered; the ones in my study are not powered other than by the Onkyo I have had for many years now.

As you have probably surmised, I have spent many hours on the internet trying to find a receiver compatible with my setup here, but with a USB port.

I have written all this just to let you know where I have been lately and to let you know that I had not simply disappeared.
I have three-year old Onkyo TX515 (it was considered mid-range when new), which would fit what you're lookinig for:
- Ethernet / WiFi port for streaming (from eg your PC, or Pandora/Spotify/etc), plus remote control from a tablet/phone
- USB port on the front
- 7.2 or (5.1 + Zone 2) operation - I have 5.1 in the living room, plus two outside speakers.
- HDMI switching and up-scaling

As for "old-school": YOu can get good tablet (no phone functions) for way less than $100 - these start from $50, and are worth every cent of their price, even if you use them as just tablets, without "value-added" features.

Once has to be careful with that (especially BD players). Some of really cheap ones have only HDMI output, and OP' system does not have HDMI.
If one goes this route - look for a player with optical (or coaxial) audio out.
79g04r here. I continue to probe the internet. I have found a UVIA HD Media Player on Amazon that looks as though it would work. $40. And I can return it if it does not work. I ordered one. So I am back to the original suggestion made by Alabalcho (see earlier exchanges). The photos on Amazon suggest there are at least two sets of wire connections, probably for different applications. My next challenge will be to be certain that I use the correct connecting wires into the proper ports on the back of my Onkyo. Can anyone help with that?

Looking at that unit, you would plug the RCA (whit/red/yellow) into the corresponding inputs marked Video 1 in, or Video 2 in on your amp and on the back of the hd media player AV
This unit seems to have several output options:
- audio L/R (white/red RCA), with composite video (yellow)
- audio L/R, plus component video (Y, Pb, Pr)

You will want to connect a video to your TV, at least to make sure that unit works, and I would start with simplest composite (yellow) connection.
First, I thank Alabalcho and Ruggo 181 for your suggestions regarding wanting to play my flash drives through my old Onkyo TX-DS484. I received the UVIA portable media player in the mail yesterday and worked with it yesterday evening and again this morning. I first connected it directly into the back of the Onkyo--yellow, red, and white portals in Video 2. I had power to the UVIA and to the flash drive. But could not get any sound. I disconnected, then connected it directly into my newer Toshiba TV. Again, no sound. I followed the installation instructions in the manual that came with the UVIA, but it must surely be written by a techie whose English language skills must be at best as a secondary language. The UVIA comes from China. The UVIA appears to be primarily designed for video replay but clearly indicates support for MP3 formats. At one point in the manual there is a statement that after the TV set is on, switch the TV set to the correct video mode to see the output on the TV set. I am clueless about what that means. I am about to give up on this project and return the UVIA to its source for a (hopefully) refund. Any other thoughts?
Make sure you're using the correct cable to get the audio out. Try playing a movie, to see whether you will have sound.

Do you see any video output from that unit? Probably you have to start from there, and then checking the configuration options on this device to see what you can do.
Does the back of your TV have the 3 inputs red/white/yellow? if yes, plug them in. On your TV remote, you should have an input select button, may be simply labeled INPUT or SOURCE. Scroll through your input sources until you see a screen for the media player. There may be a setup screen for the media player that you will need to go through before you can hear audio. If that works fine, then we can move onto setting it up for your amp.

Plug it in as you did before, but you will also need to have a cable (yellow RCA) running from monitor on your amp to an rca video INPUT on your TV.
You would select Video 2 on your amp and have the TV source set to the same as the TV input and voila.
Thanks, folks

I have been in communication with the vender. Actually, with the manufacturer. Chinese. Their statement is that my Onkyo has a built in AV component but no actual ports for external HDMI or USB 2.0 (true). It took several exchanges, but they finally have written (in very broken English) that their UVIA is incompatible with my Onkyo. They have suggested that I send the UVIA back for a full refund. I have screwed around with it long enough with no positive results. So that is what I will do—send it back. They also wrote that if/when they invent a unit that will do what I want done they will notify me as such.

Thanks very much for your efforts in trying to help me figure this thing out. In the meantime I will continue to look for a 5.1 receiver that has both external USB 2.0 AND a speakers A/B switch. They are out there. It is just a matter of finding a good used or refurbished one that won’t break the bank. I saw a Pioneer listed on ebay yesterday that apparently has a loose connection or a heat related problem that causes it to shut down periodically. It sold for $35, but would have to be taken to a shop. Not knowing what the repair would cost, I did not bid on it.

If you see anything like that (trouble free), let me know. In the meantime I shall monitor the market. My advantage is that I am a very patient person AND I am in no rush.

Thanks again.