Using Iphone on different provider then AT&T


Jul 20, 2009
The keyboard on my current cellphone just fell off and i need to get a new phone, i've always wanted to get an iphone, but my family uses Alltel, is there any way if i do get an Iphone, i could use it with the Alltel service? I've heard of people that have said they have done things related to the SIM card, or something like that, that allows them to use it on different services, can anyone tell me if this is possible, and if it is, how i could do it?
Just switch to ATT they have great service and coverage despite what some say. I have had them for a decade and I have traveled around the country and almost always had coverage except in the most remote areas. Also the iPhone is made to work on ATT's system so you will have the best results. If ATT is not in your area you can find an area not far from you and go get one there. If you buy one online you can just give them of an address of someone you know in one of thier service areas to activate it.
at&t is awful were i live, but when i travel its excellent, i think t-mobile is the only other carrier in the U.S. that uses sim cards, but its a pain in the neck jailbreaking and unlocking, then you have to make sure that you don't update it or your without service. You could also get a factory unlock iphone from apple, they come unlocked for any carrier, but are very expensive. try t-mobile though, they're much cheaper than AT&T.
for the unlocked iphones, can't you get a regular iphone then unlock it with....what was it..... blackra1n or something that Geohot made? if you did that, would it be possible to use it with verizon?