Can A Netbook be left powered on for weeks at a time like a full size PC system?
Like the title says, I'm trying to catch an S.O.B. that's been vandalizing my mother's car. It all began when she told her downstairs neighbor that he was violating condo rules and municiple fire codes with his constant BBQ'ing on his balcony. The smoke would always blow into my mom's unit making it difficult for her to breath particularly on hot days. It wasn't long before others started to complain about all the smoke he was generating.
Since that day (starting just a few weeks after), my mother's car has been vandalized 5 times in a span of 13 months. Her tires were slashed 3 times all requiring replacements, a destroyed motorized power mirror and as of last week, her license plate was stolen. BTW, no other vehicles in the garage were ever a target of vandals. The condo's super and many of the other owners have no doubt in their mind that it was the person in the unit below her. He's had altercations with several of the other condo owners and a member of the condo governing board suspects that this douche smashed in the door of the mailroom after no one in the building voted for him when he wanted to be elected onto the very same condo board. Now to further complicate matters, I plan to buy my mother a new car in the next few months and I know this creep will continue his cowardly attacks. So I want to nail this lowlife before it comes to that.
What I hope to do is to get 3 or 4 wireless spy cameras monitoring my mom's car 24-7. The wireless receiver for each camera has a usb antenna that will plug into either a netbook or a mini-tower system that will be powered by a high capacity deep cycle marine battery located in the trunk of her car.
I used the same setup to catch my neighbor's dog depositing disgusting steaming fudge bombs on my lawn.
So my question is - Is a Netbook capable of being left on for a week?
Like the title says, I'm trying to catch an S.O.B. that's been vandalizing my mother's car. It all began when she told her downstairs neighbor that he was violating condo rules and municiple fire codes with his constant BBQ'ing on his balcony. The smoke would always blow into my mom's unit making it difficult for her to breath particularly on hot days. It wasn't long before others started to complain about all the smoke he was generating.
Since that day (starting just a few weeks after), my mother's car has been vandalized 5 times in a span of 13 months. Her tires were slashed 3 times all requiring replacements, a destroyed motorized power mirror and as of last week, her license plate was stolen. BTW, no other vehicles in the garage were ever a target of vandals. The condo's super and many of the other owners have no doubt in their mind that it was the person in the unit below her. He's had altercations with several of the other condo owners and a member of the condo governing board suspects that this douche smashed in the door of the mailroom after no one in the building voted for him when he wanted to be elected onto the very same condo board. Now to further complicate matters, I plan to buy my mother a new car in the next few months and I know this creep will continue his cowardly attacks. So I want to nail this lowlife before it comes to that.
What I hope to do is to get 3 or 4 wireless spy cameras monitoring my mom's car 24-7. The wireless receiver for each camera has a usb antenna that will plug into either a netbook or a mini-tower system that will be powered by a high capacity deep cycle marine battery located in the trunk of her car.
I used the same setup to catch my neighbor's dog depositing disgusting steaming fudge bombs on my lawn.
So my question is - Is a Netbook capable of being left on for a week?