very low sound from sound bar when connecting Blue Ray player to Projector


Jan 14, 2016
I just bought a Projector. The Projector has 1 HDMI input and 1 Analog 3.5mm Audio input and output and 1 Optical input. The volume works fine and it is really loud when I hook up ChromeCast via HDMI to the Projector, then I connect my table to ChromeCast to watch Netflix through the Projector. The sound is hooked using the 3.5mm audio cable from the Projector audio output into the sound bar audio input.
Everything seems to be working fine, but when I hook up my Blue Ray player to the Projector the sound is really,really low, even though the volume on both the projector and the sound bar are all the way up. I need help in figuring out why the volume is so low when I use my Blue Ray player with the Projector and the sound bar. Thank you.
I figure out. I bought a digital converter. Connected digital coaxial cable from Blue Ray into converter. Then, connected the optical cable from converter into sound bar. Hopefully this might help someone having similar issues.