( VIDEO)Laptop Dell e6230 making weird loud crackling/sparkling/grinding noise.


Sep 21, 2016
Hello all, Im new here and I d like to the help of some of you, if possible.
I have bought a used laptop and after whithin one week the laptop would not turn on anymore, dead screen and everything. I noticed it when I was trying to turn it on, it simply wouldnt and would make this terrible noise sparkling, scratching type of sound. I ll be returning it to receive my refund, but the issue is that I have put soime personal data of mine uin the laptop and would not like to send it with it, in case, they would rescue it and have access of it.
So, could you tell me that if It is the HDD problem as I assume it is, this type of sound means that it is completely dead and cant be rescued and I can send it without concern, or it may be something else?
Ill leave the link of the video sound for you to check it.
The power button turns on for some seconds, makes the terrible noise and then turns off and it is this process basically... from the video it seems that the problem comes from fan, but now it is more a whirling disfunctional noise which I believe is from the HDD...
Please, advise.
video link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D4uBOXu9ms
I can't tell but it sounds like the hard drive is shattered.

Did this laptop get dropped or get banged by any way?

Did someone else damage it?

It is too strange for the sound to be coming from the fan.

Hi there pebble,
No at all. It was working completely fine. I had finished to use it and put inside the sleep cover and it was sitting on my table and really no one dropped it or banged it. What most surprised me was that for some reason the laptop turned on itself and started to make those noises, and the off by itself and turning on again with the nhoises... I had to remove the battery to stop " the automatic turning on and stop the noise"...
When you say that the HDD is shattered, is there a way that it could be rescued and therefore the person would have access of the data of it? or is it completely lost with no way back to get it?

Thank you a lot for your answers
When a hard drive is shattered, you can pay a lot of money and might be able to get little tiny parts of your data back but without a true professional, then you can't get the data back.

Hard drives are strong so it couldn't have shattered unless it got hit hard.

Try and put your ear to the bottom of the computer and see if you can find where the noise is coming from.

The only other reason I can think this is happening is because the fan is grinding or loose, or something is shorting out badly.

Hi again pebble berries,

Yeah yeah... the sound is so weird that most of time I have a impression is through all the motherboard. It's like the sounds changes most of time. Now recently, it was a sound such as the sound of someone taking a shower... that showers sound etc.... my only concern is my data really. And even not my data itself, but the fact that someone else will have access to it and you know.... If I knew... I'd not save nothing in there, I was still even downloading some essentials programs to make it run smoothly etc... but never mind. .. I have tied hands about how to fix it as I'm not a tech 😛, so I'll need to relax and send it anyway :/
But thank you for trying to help me out!
I appreciated it ^^
Have a nice night! :)
You could send it to me to repair but most people are not comfortable doing that online.

To repair, nobody will need access to the data and as long the hard drive is not damages then you should still have your data.
Aw, that's nice of you, but the screen does not turn on even. The power button is not on longer than 1 minute.I put it to be charging to see if it d be longer, bit no change. When in the past I had some issues with normal PCS and the problem was the HDD, at least I could get to the point of the boot saying the HDD error message, but in this case it seems to be a full package of errors: screen dead, power button on no longer than one minute, weird noises which for me seems to be like entirely through the extension of the laptop, and yeah... got broken for no reason ( or the person who sold me was aware that the laptop was already not good and it d be a question of days for the problems to show up. Because first was the RAM which did not come accordingly the ad and now the laptop dead suddenly ( and its 100% sure it was not damaged from me like hitting it or banging it or some one else doing so). My intuition says it icould be the motherboard indeed...
Thank you really for all the attention! I ll just leave it aside until I return it and pretend there's nothing important or too personal there.( I hope so)
Take care! ^^